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高一英语测试题 Unit1 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing(必修1)




1.The nurse told the children that the sun________in the east.

A.risen         B.rose

C.rises D.rising


2.“I can help you with your English tomorrow,” my English teacher said.

→My English teacher said________.

A.I can help you with your English tomorrow

B.he could help me with my English the next day

C.I could help you with your English the following day

D.he can help me with my English tomorrow

解析:选B。本题考查直接引语变间接引语。要根据语境进行人称和物主代词的变化,本句中,I→he;you→me;your→my;间接引语中的时态要与主句的时态保持一致(这里要把can变为could);tomorrow变为the next da y/the following day。

3.My cousin told me he________a concert________.

A.had been to;three days before

B.went to;a week before

C.would go to;since a week ago

D.was going to;for a week


4.Joan asked me________to visit her grandma with her.

A.whether would I like B.if would I like

C.whether I would like D.when would I like


5.(2011年汕头高一检测)The little girl told him that she had watched the wonderful football match________.

A.today B.tomorro

C.the month before D.the next month


6.(2011年济南高一检测)He said,“What’s the matter?”

He asked________.

A.what the matter is B.what the matter was

C.what is the matter D.what was the matter

解析:选D。what’s the matter是一个陈述句语序的句子,在变成间接引语时,语序不变,只改变时态。

7.“Have you see the film?” he asked me.

→He asked me________.

A.had I seen the film

B.have I seen the film

C.if I have seen the film

D.whet her I had seen the film


8.The teacher told the students that there________a meeting at three o’clock.

A.were going to have B.is going to be

C.will be D.was going to be

解析:选D。主句为一般过去时,在间接引语中,要用过去将来时态。而且a meeting为单数,因此用was going to be。

9.After the examina tion,my teacher told me that failure________the mother of success.

A.was B.is

C.be D.been


10.—What did the foreigner say?

—Oh,he asked where________.

A.did Jim come from B.Jim came from

C.Jim comes from D.does Jim come from


【总结】:高一英语测试题就为大家介绍到这了,希望高一的同学们好好学习,在高一阶段打好基础。也希望大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。




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