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【解题导语】 Sophie在果园里看到枝头的苹果,想起了她的奶奶,想起了奶奶做的苹果派。她的爷爷找到了她奶奶制作苹果派的方法,他们祖孙俩一起学做苹果派。苹果派寄托了Sophie和爷爷对奶奶的深切怀念。

56.We learn from the passage that Sophie    .

A.likes to watch clouds in the attic

B.comes to the orchard after school

C.enjoys Grandma’s apple pie very much

D.picks many apples in the orchard

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第一段的I think of my grandmother’s apple pie及and I have not had her pie since和文末的making Grandma’s famous apple pie可知,Sophie很喜欢奶奶做的苹果派。

57.Sophie’s grandfather spent the morning in the attic    .

A.looking for Grandma’s recipe for apple pie

B.helping Sophie’s grandmother make apple pie

C.trying to make apple pie all alone for Sophie

D.talking about apples,and bees,and Grandma with Sophie


58.The underlined part in the last paragraph shows    .

A.how much Sophie’s grandmother loved Sophie

B.how much Sophie’s grandfather likes apple pies

C.how much Sophie loves her grandfather’s orchard

D.how much Sophie’s grandfather misses Grandma

解析:选D。句意理解题。nothing is the same without Grandma的字面意思是:没有奶奶,什么都变得不一样了。这句话表明了Sophie的爷爷对奶奶的怀念。

59.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.My grandfather’s orchard

B.My grandmother’s apple pie

C.A morning in the attic

D.The last days of summer



Do you want a bit of an adventure?Would you like to discover all the corners of the UK,or travel abroad?Maybe you have never tried the motorhome(旅宿车) lifestyle before.Well,read this article and you will know why a motorhome is a good choice.

Nothing is better than a motorhome.It has so many uses that it is considered the most versatile vehicle(交通工具) and it is also very comfortable.If you are thinking about hiring a motorhome this summer,then the best advice is to book it early,especially if you are considering the school holidays.The motorhome hire service is very seasonal and motorhome hire companies will never have extra vehicles available in the summer months.

There are a lot of companies throughout the UK,and some of the big ones have motorhomes spread all over the country.At present,the largest network for motorhome hire is provided by Motorhome which is based in Cambridge.If you are in the UK,you may phone 0800 612 8719 for details of its motorhome hire information.Motorholme has a network of over 500 vehicles all over England,Scotland and Wales.

Most people wishing to hire a motorhome are families that are looking for an alternative(替代品) to a European package holiday,especially as flying now has become more expensive,and is considered to be environmentally unfriendly.There is no doubt that the idea of no?fly holidays is going to become more popular as fewer people think it is safe to fly.This explains why more and more people are choosing to hire a motorhome for their holidays.

【解题导语】 现在越来越多的人喜欢乘旅宿车旅游。旅宿车的功能多,让人舒服。


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