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高一英语训练题 Unit 5 Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing(必修1)




1.The student will never forget those days    several soldiers took turns to look after him after the earthquake.

A.that            B.which

C.when D.where

解析:选C。when引导定语从句修饰先行词those days,并在从句中作时间状语。

2.In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person    she could turn for help.

A.that B.who

C.from whom D.to whom

解析:选D。turn to sb.for help“向某人求助”,to提至关系词前。

3.Some of the roads were flooded,    made our journey more difficult.

A.which B.it

C.what D.that


4.We will never forget the days      my family visited Shanghai together.

A.when B.which

C.what D.that


5.He made another w onderful discovery,    of grea t importance to science.

A.which I think is B.which I think it is

C.which I think it D.I think which is


6.We went through a period     communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

A.which B.whose

C.in which D.with which

解析:选C。in which引导定语从句,相当于when,在从句中作时间状语。

7.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town     he grew up as a child.

A.which B.where

C.that D.when


8.The reason     I’m writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday.

A.because B.why

C.which D.what

解析:选B。why引导定语从句,修饰先行 词reason,why在从句中作原因状语。

9.We are living in an age     many things are done by computer.

A.which B.that

C.whose D.when


10.The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point     he can walk correctly and safely.

A.when B.where

C.which D.whose

解析:选B。因为表示“阶段、程度、地步”的the point在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用where引导定语从句。

11.(2011年嘉兴高一检测)Generally speaking,the media can often help solve problems and draw attention to the cases    help is needed.

A.where B.when

C.which D.whose


12.(2011年济南高一检测)Sam has written a book the name of     I’ve forgotten.

A.it B.that

C.which D.whose

解析 :选C。先行词是a book,指物,且作介词of的宾语,故用关系代词which。


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