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9. What is the woman’s future career?

A.A scientist. B.A doctor. C.A lawyer.

10.What has made the woman choose it as her career?

A.Her teacher’s encouragement. B.Her own qualities.

C.Her excellent performances

11.Where will the woman practice law?

A. In her hometown. B. In her home. C. In Harvard University.


12.Where did Mr. Zhang learn English?

A.In China . B. In the United States . C. In Great Britain

13.Which English-speaking country has Mr. Zhang visited?

A.Great Britain. B. Canada. C.The United States.


14.What is the couple’s nationality?

A.British. B.French. C.Chinese.

15.What happened to the couple’s pet dog?

A.It was well fed in the kitchen. B.It was killed in the kitchen.

C.It had a meal with the old couple.

16.How long did the couple have to wait before their food was ready ?

A.About an hour. B.Half an hour. C.An hour and a half.

17.How does the woman feel about what the man said?

A.It is true. B.It is wrong to do so. C.It is unbelievable.


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