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A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry (珠宝) shop one day. He 1 to buy a pearl (珍珠) for his wife’s birthday. The 2 didn't matter, since business had been good for him that year.①

After 3 a number of beautiful and expensive pearls, he chose 4 black one. It would 5 5,000 dollars. He paid, took the black pearl, shook hands with the salesman and left.

A few days later, the man 6 and said that his wife liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like this. It 7 be exactly the same size and quality (质量), 8 she wanted to have a 9 of earrings.

The salesman seemed 10 . Then the man suggested that the salesman advertise (登广告) in the newspaper to 11 S|25,000 for such a pearl.② So the salesman did.

Many people 12 the advertisement (广告), but nobody 13 a pearl which was just the right size and quality. Just when the jeweler had given up, a little old lady came into his 14 . She took out one such black pearl 15 her purse.

"I don't like to 16 with the pearl," she said sadly. "It was given to me by my mother, who had received it from her 17 mother. But I really need the 18."

The salesman was very glad and quickly paid her for the pearl. Then he called the 19 to tell him the good news. However, the man could never be 20 . Clever readers, can you guess why?


1. A. reported B. said C. wished D. knew

2. A. color B. design C. price D. size

3. A. examining B. checking C. testing D. watching

4. A. a big B. a good

C. an expensive D. an unusual

5. A. cost B. pay C. worth D. buy

6. A. arrived B. came C. returned D. stopped

7. A. could B. might C. should D. had to

8. A. as B. if C. though D. when

9. A. box B. lot C. number D. pair

10. A. jobless B. homeless

C. helpless D. careless

11. A. ask B. give C. offer D. pay

12. A. answered B. liked C. read D. saw

13. A. bought B. had C. sold D. wanted

14. A. room B. house C. office D. shop

15. A. from B. of C. off D. with

16. A. deal B. go C. part D. talk

17. A. dear B. poor C. old D. own

18. A. price B. money C. pound D. interest

19. A. old lady’s office  B. rich man’s hotel

C. his neighbor’s house  D. television station

20. A. found B. bought C. paid D. heard



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