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① It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks.据说计算机病毒是由一群喜欢搞恶作剧的年轻人制造出来的。

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② When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the functions, damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information. 当时机到来时,它们就会通过减弱计算机的功能、破坏它们的程序甚至删除所有的信息来攻击计算机。

Passage B


Mr Jackson lived in the centre of London but he had a hotel near the airport. There a lot of foreigners stayed for night. He didn't know any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors. ① Sometimes he had to use the body language to "talk" with them, and tried his best to make himself understood. But he was often misunderstood (误解) and it brought him a lot of trouble. A friend of his who learned a few foreign languages in a university would teach him. He was happy and studied hard. At first he learned some, but soon he found it wasn't easy to remember the words and expressions. His friend advised him to write down the useful expressions in his notebook so that he could use them when necessary. ② He did as he was told. He found it helpful for him to do so.

One evening there were plenty of people in the dining’ room. They were all busy eating something except a Japanese. He was walking around there and waiting for his wife who was dressing herself up upstairs. Mr Jackson thought to himself, "The man wants to eat something but he doesn’t know any English. Let me help him."

As he knew only a little Japanese, he had to bring out his notebook and showed it to the man, pointing to the sentence "I’m hungry".

The Japanese had a look at it and gave him two pounds and left.


1. Mr Jackson knew only English because____ .

A. he was an English student

B. he had never been abroad

C. he couldn't learn by himself

D. he hadn't studied any foreign languages

2. As not all foreigners understood his gestures, sometimes Mr Jackson ____ to communicate with them.

A. succeeded B. feared

C. failed D. gave up

3. The Japanese thought ____ , so he gave him two pounds.

A. Mr Jackson was a beggar (乞丐)

B. Mr Jackson was a translator

C. Mr Jackson could help him

D. Mr Jackson could ring his wife up



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