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Teaching aims and demands

Period Arrangements:




1.  Talk about sports

2.  Talk about interests and hobbies

3.  Talk about the Olympics

4.  Write a sports star’s profile


Interests and hobbies

 Which do you like…or …?

 What’s your favorite sport?

 Which sport do you like best?

 Which do you prefer…or…?

 What about…?

 Are you interested in…?


continent well-known athlete gold medal torch badminton tie final dive shooting

Greece competitor motto further rank gymnastics prepare preparation effect flame

compete flag weight position superstar point skill weigh title gesture facial

stand for  because of  speed skating  track and field  take part 


in preparation for


Future Passive Voice

The people of Beijing will plant more trees and build new roads.(陈述句)

More trees will be planted and new roads will be built by the people of Beijing.

Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in the year 2008.(疑问句)

When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing.


warming up reading materials

Period 1 listening Period 2,3

speaking language focus

listening (WB) complementary listening material


Period 4 speaking Period 5 complementary reading material


integrating skill(writing) assessment


Teaching Procedures of Period 1:

Step1.Warming up (15 mins)

school sports meet

Sports meet the National Games

the Asian Games

the Olympic Games

the World Cup


ball games:volleyball, basket ball, football, table tennis, tennis, ,golf

badminton, bowling, baseball, American football, ice hockey etc

Events of sports track and field:relay race, long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot, javelin etc

gymnastic: rings, double bars, high and low bars, horse , free exercise

swimming/shooting/skiing/ ice sports/diving/aquatic sports etc

Sport stars : Beckham, Mike Owen, Michael Jordan etc

Purpose:This activity is designed to encourage students to think about sports and activate

relevant vocabulary.

Step 2. Speaking(15 mins)

Task1(pair work): Talk about their favourite sports, favourite sports stars, and the reason why they like them, with the following expressions as a guide.(See SB p52)

Task2(pair work): A survey about physical fitness (See postscript 1)

Task3(group work): Add up their total scores and divide by the number of people. Then get their group’s average scores. Discuss their survey answers.

1). Do you think your group is doing well or not? Why ?

2). How can you become fitter?

Purpose:The students will use the information from the above step to talk about their interests and hobbies and to practise giving reasons for their opinions.

Step 3. Listening (15 mins)

Task 1: Brainstorming(encourage Ss to tell me as many words about that as possible)

本文就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一英语教案:sports,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。





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