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Teaching plan

Unit 7 SB1A Cultural relics

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Master the main contents of the unit by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2.Get to know the world cultural relics and know how to protect them.

3.Learn to give advice and make suggestion

4.Learn to use the Present Perfect Passive Voice

The main points of teaching:

Words and expressions, listening, speaking, communications

The difficult points of teaching:

The key phrases, sentence patterns, communications and grammar (The Passive Voice 1) Time arrangement:

The 1st period: Warming up, listening and speaking (WB Listening P 121)

The 2nd and 3rd periods: Pre-reading, reading, post-reading {WB Talking, Writing }

The 4th period: Language study (WB Grammar)

The 5th period: Integrating skills, tips (Vocabulary)

The 6th period: Checkpoint 7 (Integrating skills, assessing)

The 7th period: Exam

The 8th Period: Explanation

Teaching process:

The 1st period(第一课时)

Step One Warming up

1. Answer the following questions.

1) Have you been to any famous places in our country or in the world?

2) Where have you been?

3) Can you tell us the reason why you went there?

4) What do you think of the place you visited?

5) Do the people there protect the place well?

2.Talk about pictures:

Now look at the pictures on Page 43 and talk about these pictures.

1) What do you know about the places in the pictures?

2) Do you know any stories about the places?

3) Which one would you like to visit? Why?

4) What do they have in common?

5) Are they important to us today? Why?

6) Can you tell us how to protect them?

7) Which of the buildings we have built in the modern era will become the cultural relics of the future? Why?

Step Two Listening

1. Listen to the tape, know about some cultural sites and place a few objects in the proper places, using cues from the listening. (This work can be done after class.)

1) Put the statues in the right places.

2) Put the temple and the museum in the right place.

3) Put the Moon Tower in the right place.

2. Listen to the tape and list reasons why the sites are important and what is being done to protect them.

Step Three Speaking

1. Work in pairs to prepare a “Chinese Culture Capsule”----an imaginary large box which will be sent into space, according to the instruction

2. Act out the dialogues made by the students, paying attention to asking for suggestions and making suggestions.

3. Fill in the chart on Page 44 after class.

The language points

1. cultural adj. ---about the art, ideas and way of life of a group of people 文化的

e.g. Wuchang is the cultural center in the city of Wuhan.

cultural traditions

cultural differences

cultural and educational work

culture n.

2. represent v.t. ---to act officially for (another person or people) 代表

---describe; declare to be (as) 描述;声称

e.g. Can you represent your parents at the meeting?

He represented himself as a friend of mine, but now I know the truth.

3. include v.t. ---make sb. or sth. part of a group 包括

e.g. Eight students have read the book, including Tang Ling.

Compare: contain v.t. ---to hold, have within itself 包含;含有

e.g. The book contains all the information you need.


Workbook Listening Ex. 1 and Ex. 2 (P121)

The 2nd period(第二课时)

Step One Revision

1. Check the chart in which the students filled after class on Page 44.

2. Check Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on Page 121.

Step Two Pro-reading

1. Show the Ss some pictures about some great cities, like Paris and Beijing and then ask some questions about them.

1) In your opinion, what makes a city great?

2) What are your favorite cities? Why?

3) What cultural relics are there in the place where you live?

4) How important are they?

2. Discuss the questions above in pairs or in groups.

3. The teacher may check the students’ answers and help them.

Step Three Reading

1. Read the passage quickly and then answer the following.

1) What is the name of the city?

2) Who are the heroes of the city?

3) What is the difference between “A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a City”?

4) Where has the city been built?

5) Who tried to destroy the city?

6) What did the Germans do as they left?

7) Is the city great? / What do you think of the city?

8) How about its people?

2. Read the text again and sum it up.

1) Speak out what the text implies.

2) Please point out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

3) Sum up what the text tells us in each paragraph.

Step Four Post-reading

Read the text again and finish the exercises.


Workbook Talking(P121---122)

The 3rd Period(第三课时)

Step One Revision

1. Check the homework

2. Retell the text by the students.

威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一英语教案UNIT7(新教材)就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。


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