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This unit mainly talks about different kinds of music with the title The sounds of the world.

1. Teaching aims and demands

类  别




话  题

1)      Talk about different kinds of music

2)      Discuss characteristics of different kinds of music and differences between them

3)      Write a comparison essay

功 能

Giving advice and making suggestions

You’d better (not)…

You should/ought to…

You need (to) …

Shall we…?


What/How about…?

Why not…?

Why don’t you…?

I think …

I am sure (that)…

Maybe you could…



suggestion  musical  instrument  perform  performer  blues  characteristic  slave  jazz  contain  traditional  spread  variety  universal  folk  guitar  record  satisfy  inner  desire  emotion  process  musician  totally  express  intelligence  chant

in common  turn into 


The passive voice in different tenses

1)      一般现在时(amisare done)

Our monitor keeps the key to the classroom.→The key to the classroom is kept by our monitor.

2)      一般过去时(waswere done)

Ricky Martin performed the song of the 1998 World Cup. →The song of the 1998 World Cup was performed by Ricky Martin.

3)      现在进行时(amisare being done)

Everyone in the country is singing the beautiful song. →The beautiful song is being sung by everyone in the country.

4)      过去进行时(waswere being done)

Smith was weighing the baby elephant. →The baby elephant was being weighed by Smith.

5)     一般将来时(will be done)

The famous band will give a performance in the Capital Concert Hall. →A performance will be given by the famous band in the Capital Concert Hall.

6)      过去将来时(would be done)

He knew that they would invite him to perform in the New Year’s Concert.

→He knew that he would be invited to perform in the New Year’s Concert.

7)      现在完成时(havehas been done)

They have picked out the top ten pop songs →

The top ten pop songs have been picked out.

8)      过去完成时(had been done)

The headmaster had given the boy a golden pen. →

The boy had been given a golden pen by the headmaster.

2. 教学内容分析


“热身”(Warming up)部分提供了地图,然后听音乐,要求学生明白所听音乐来自哪里,并展开讨论。这部分的目的是呈现本单元的中心话题——音乐,帮助学生在大脑中形成一个有关“音乐”的信息包,并复习或学习有关音乐的词和句型。







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