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高一英语No Drugs教案实录





T: For the 2nd time, listen and try to fill in the form below.

name of the interviewee

job of the woman

number of the people who use illegal drugs in Britain

number of the people who break the law to pay for drugs

number of the addicts who go to treatment centers

crimes they commit

After listening, check the answers.


Step 5:浏览原文,检查核对,扫除疑问。

再播放一次录音,把录音材料编成完形填空的形式,让学生复习,核对检查所听内容)(individual work ---- pair work)

I==Interviewer P===Professor

I: Good evening, and welcome to the show. With me in the studio is Professor Marion Smith, who is an expert on the ___________ between ________ and ________. Good evening, Professor Smith.

P: Good evening.

I: First of all, how many people use _________ drugs in Britain?

P: Possibly four million people.

I: Really? Four million?

P: Yes.

I: How many of them ________________ in order to pay for their drugs?

P: It’s possible that a hundred thousand people ______ in order to pay for their ___________.

I: A hundred thousand?! That’s incredible. And what kinds of __________ do they commit?

P: Mainly _________----- in other words, stealing from shops---- and __________. Stealing from houses.

I: I see.

P: And there’s another problem. Drug users get into trouble with the police for other reasons as well.

I: What kinds of reasons?

P: Well., you often see drug users in public places, ---_______________ , railway stations, for example----- and some of the them behave so badly that members of the public _______________. Some people feel so _______ when they see drug users that they call the police anyway.

I: This is a really bad problem, isn’t it?

P: Absolutely, but the good news is that drug users who go to ______________ usually stop their ______________ activities.

I: How many addicts go to treatment centers?

P: Last year, about 30,000 people went to drug treatment centers.

I: Thirty thousand? That’s amazing.

P: Yes, there are such a lot of people that there isn’t time ________________.

I: What kind of people are they?

P: Well, the majority are young people in their twenties. And about 75 percent of the young people are men.

I: And do all these people live in cities?


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