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高一英语Wish you were here教案设计



到达某地:reach sp.= arrive in/at sp.=get to sp.

Can you reach the book for me? __拿______

You letter reached me yesterday. __寄到_____

Vi. The land reaches as far as the river.________延伸 _______________

比较:The baby reached for the apple but he couldn’t reach it.

reach for 伸手去拿(不强调结果); reach 拿到; reach out for 设法抓住(拿到)

(2) n. 够到

out of one’s reach 够不着

beyond the reach of sb. =out of the reach of sb.某人手够不到的地方

within one’s reach某人手够到的地方

He reached out for the book on the shelf, but failed. = The book on the shelf was beyond /out of his reach.


The house has a view over the sea.__视野______

You can get a good view of the city from the tower.___景色_______

What’s your view on school punishment? ____观点_____

14. tower vi 高耸,屹立

He is the tallest in class; that’s to say, he towers over/above any other boy._远比…高

He did best in that exam. He towered over/above his classmates._____ 远比…好

15. surround v. 环绕;围绕;包围 surroundings n. 复数 周围的环境

Tall trees surround the lake.

The lake is surrounded with /by tall trees.

The police surrounded the house./The house was surrounded with the police.

With the mountains __surrounding____the village, it is not easy for villagers to go to town to buy things.

___Surrounded_____by the students, the teacher explained the problems patiently.

16. harmony n. 调和,一致;和谐 in harmony 和睦地;和谐地harmonious adj 和谐的

be in harmony with 和……一致,和谐

be out of harmony with 与……不一致

live/work in (perfect) harmony 一起生活,工作得(十分)融洽

人类应该和大自然和谐相处。 Human beings should live in (perfect) harmony with nature.

他们之间不和谐, 经常吵架。 They are out of harmony with each other. They often quarrel.

他们一起工作十分融洽。 They work in perfect harmony.

17. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.

(1)完全倒装句: 表示位置,位移的副词及介词短语充当的状语位于句首;

在以here, there, out, up, down, away, now 等副词位于句首而且主语是名词时,用倒装

From the window came the sound of music. The sound of music came from the window(正常语序)

一位老人坐在树下。 Under a tree sat an old man。

There comes the bus.____车来了__________

门口站着一个小男孩。Standing at the gate is a little boy

(2) perfect: adj. 完美的, 极好的 be perfect in 精通……

Nobody is perfect. 人无完人。 熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect

18. form v. 形成;组成;构成;养成

form sth (from) form the habit of 养成……习惯

n. form 形式;外形;格式,表格

in the form of 以 ……形式

这个女孩养成饭前洗手的好习惯。The girl formed the habit of washing hands before meals. 这个集训是以讲座的形式。The training is in the form of lectures.

19. be covered with 被 覆盖 cover v.

(1)报道,采访 The journalist is covering the Olympic Games in Beijing.

(2)走完(一段路程)The Red Army covered 25,000 li on their Long March.

(3)占有(多少面积) The city covers an area of ten square miles.

(4)足以支付,够付 Will 10,000 dollars cover the bill?

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