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高一英语Unit 4 Cyberspace导学



【摘要】“高一英语Unit 4 Cyberspace导学”本文小编为大家整理了有关高一英语教案内容供大家参考,希望给大家带来帮助:

Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism

Tips: The landscape belongs to the man who looks at it .


Learnint aims:1) To master some important words and phrases.

2) To learn some important sentences.

Learning importang and difficult points:Must the following words : retire; apply; apply for; depend on; congratulation; on time

learning process:

StepⅠFinish the words (A)

1. The serious earthquake caused the total _________(毁灭) of a new town.

2. A few minutes later, the old man ___________(消失) in the crowds.

3. He o______ me 300 dollars for that television.

4. You are informed (通知) (正式) that you have been employed as our company’s sales manager.

5. He has ________(安排) for me to attend the meeting.

6. His accent s________ he was a stranger here.

7. Scientists often do s________ research.

8. He ________(拒绝) a request from the old man.

9. It is said that this _________(罪犯) will be put into prison for setting fire.

10. There are all kinds of _____________(娱乐活动) for children on Children’s Day.

11. The Hope p_________ has does a lot of work to help those poor students with their studies.

12. The old man made a very good _________(建议)at the meeting last week.

13. This is a h_______ event of China.

14. Beijing is our final ___________(目的地)

15. I know the place well, so let me be your g________.

16. My hometown is __________(坐落在) by the Changjiang River.

17. I want to own a house at the ___________(海滨).

18. They lived in the ________(市郊)

19. They are on a wedding __________(旅游).

StepⅡ Read the text on page 14 and complete the table below




Famous sights


Step Ⅲ underline the correct word to complete each sentence .

1.The school’s location /located /locate is right near the river but the hospital is location /located /locate on the other side of the town . how will I location /located /locate you when I arrive in town .

2.Maybe we should meet in the central/centre of the town .the library is very central/centre .do you know where it is ?

3.The library is bulit where the european settle/settlement/settlers originally was. I wonder why they chose to settle/settlement/settlers so far from the river?I suppose the settle/settlement/settlers were worried that the river might flood .

4.I’m going to look like a real tour/tourist/tourism with my map and my camera .and I am going to take a tour/tourist/tourism of the city . is it true that tour/tourist/tourism is now a big industry in new zealand?

Step Ⅳ 小结

(1) 这篇文章我还有这些地方不理解:


(2) 这节课我的收获是:



Unit 4 Cyberspace 导学案 (8)

Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism

编者:田娟 审稿:高一英语组

Tips:Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.


Learning aims:(1) Help the students must some key words

(2)Understand some important sentences

Learning important and difficult points:How to help the students understand the key words better .

learning process:

StepⅠDictation (A)






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