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高一英语LeteratureThe Dream Keeper教学



8. China daily is no more than a newspaper. It can also help improve our English.

9. You can’t have told him the truth, which made the things even worse.

10. The only noise was the sound of the stream goes over the rocks.


(the minute , be familiar with, can’t help but, be eager to, a variety of, wake up, put on)

1. She is such a good teacher that we ______________ respect her.

2. I ___________ his voice, so __________ I picked up the phone, I knew it was a call from him.

3. He ____________ only to find he was lying on the ground.

4. He has ____________interests, such as basketball and music.

5. Having been away from home for two years, he _____________ see his family.


1. The poor boy has gone__________ a lot since his parents died.

A. through B. over C. with D. across

2. “Look out! There is a thief,” he said to me _________a whisper.

A. at B. with C. for D. in

3. Mr. Smith likes to sleep ________ the light on.

A. for B. in C. with D. to

4. I came here ________ the purpose _________ learning from the workers.

A. with; of B. with; for C. for; with D. for; in

5. __________ our great joy, the child returned_________ peace.

A. To; in B. To; at C. For; with D. For; in



Li Ming: I will have to give a report on Shakespear tomorrow. But I have no idea about him. (1)______________________________? (我该怎么办?)

Li Hua: (2) ___________ (我建议)you should go to the library to find some information about Shakespear.

Li Ming: But today is Sunday. It is not open on Sunday.

Li Hua: (3) _________________________? (何不上网查一查?)

Li Ming: That’s a good idea.


一、1-5 BCACC 6-10 BBCBB

二、1. pattern 2. pattern

3. pattern 4. pattern.

5. patterns 6. interview

7. interview 8. interviewed

9. interview

三、1. on改为 in 2. in改为 on

3. join改为 attend 4. like 改为as

5. As 改为On 6. widely改为wide

7. love后加him或 that改为as

8. many 改为much 9. up后加of

10. are改为is

四、1. at ease 2. makes sense 3. took my breath away 4. to make use of

5. pull through 6. took care 7. worked away 8.stands out

9. hear from 10. in addition 11. as much as 12. as many as

13. too many 14. too much 15. a great / good many 16. Many a



七、1. 美,美丽

2. 美人

3. 典型的例子,极好的榜样

4. 好处,优点

5. (刀等的刃)锋利的,锐利的



8. (人或语言)尖锐的,严厉的

9. 急转的

10. (气味、味道)辛辣的,刺鼻的

八、1. hesitation 2. challenging 3. materials 4. various 5. entertainment

6. whispering 7. muddy 8. awakes 9. pounded 10. wept

九、1. whether→that 2. respond后加to

3.you后加will 4. very→well

5. 去掉to 6. move→moved

7. what后加it 8.去掉no

9.can’t→shouldn’t 10.goes→going

十、1. can’t help but 2.was familiar with; the minute

3. woke up 4. a variety of 5. is eager to


十二、(1) What shall I do with this

(2) I suggest

(3) What about surfing the Internet

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