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5.盼望春节的到来_______________ _______________ ________________

Special attention should be paid to __________(pronounce)the words.

6.与家人玩得开心_________ 取笑某人,拿某人开玩笑___________

I did it_____________(闹玩地) 搞某人的恶作剧____________

7.必要性,需要;必需品n._____ 必需的adj._______ 生活必需品______

8.守信用,履行诺言 __________ ___________ 食言____________

9. 道歉v.__________ n.___________ 因某事向某人道歉__________

Please accept my ______________(道歉) for that

Me to ___________ (道歉)to that fellow? No way!

He _________________(向我道歉) for stepping on my foot.

10. 淹没,溺死v. __________ pt ___________ pp ____________

a drowning man(译)_____________ a drowned body(译)_____________

drown oneself in work(译) __________ drown one’s sadness in wine __________

11. 哭泣,流泪v._____________ pt___________pp_________

He ______________(因失败而哭泣)his failure.

扫v._________________ pt._____________ pp._________________


12. 用dress, clothes, clothing, cloth适当形式填空

1)The ________ (衣服)need washing, can you have _______(it, them)washed?

2)The shop sells children’s___________ only.

3)Please cover the table with a ___________.


5)People are expected to wear formal __________ in a wedding.

13. in memory of; in celebration of; in honour of; in the shape of, in search of 填空

1)The boys went_________________ something to eat .

2) He wrote a poem _________________his wife.

3).Many people joined them ______________(寻找那个失踪的孩子)

4).People eat food _________ skulls on festival of the dead.

5)A ceremony was held _______________those killed in the earthquake


1)The great flood _________________________many villages.那次大洪水把许多村子都淹没了。

2)You must ___________________________(为迟到向你朋友道歉)。

3).Finland _______________________Russian during World War I.


4). The job will ___________________his parents (使他独立于父母)

5). Last summer I took a course on ______________.

A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made

6). He wept _______ joy at the news that he was admitted to Beijing


A. for B. as C. to D. in

some traditional Chinese Festivals

Spring Festival春节

Qingming Festival 清明节 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

Double Seventh Festival 七夕节 Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

Lantern Festival 元宵节(The Yuanxiao Festival)

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节


内容 Reading—A sad love story

【自主学习】Step I :Reading Comprehension

1. Li Fang was heart-broken because _________

A. his girlfriend said goodbye to him

B. his girlfriend didn’t love him any longer

C. his girlfriend didn’t turn up

D. he didn’t love his girlfriend

2. Why couldn’t Niulang follow Zhinv to the Heaven?

A. Because he lost his way

B. Because he lost heart

C. Because he had to take care of the babies.

D. Because the Milkey Way stopped him

3. The truth of the story is that ________

A. Hu jin doesn’t love Li Fang any longer and want to say goodbye to him.

B. The two lovers waited for each other in different places.


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