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2.Tom ought to go to have a rest. (改成一般疑问句)


3.Such things ought to be done at once, _____________?(反意问句)

B. 用must, have to, can, ought to, used to和be able to 的适当形式填空。

1. In some parts of the world, you ______boil the water before drinking it.

2. The bus caught fire seriously, but the passengers ¬¬¬¬______escape from it.

3. He ______have stayed at home this morning. I saw him shopping in another city.

4. You ______ smoke in this part of the hospital.

5. You ______keep a simple first aid box at home for any accidents.

6. If she is completely well, she ______be back at school today.

7. My father ______be a heavy smoker, but now he has given up the habit.

8. ------You ______have finished the article. The deadline is last Friday.

------Sorry. I have been busy these days. Could you give me 3 days more?

9. She ______ breathe, so I used the mouth-to-mouth way.

10. He ______have caught a bad cold last night, for his forehead felt burning.


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