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高一英语My first day at Senior high教案



Step2 Vocabulary and speaking

(I) Vocabulary

Ask the students to tell you what subjects they learned in Junior High school and what other subjects they will learn in Senior High school, ask the students to express them in English as possible as they can, then write the words on the Bb, teach the students to pronounce the words they don’t know.

eg : Chinese English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Politics History Geography Arts Music IT (Information Technology) PE(Physical Education) GT(General Technology) Japanese Russian French

(II)Dialogue (pair-work)

T: How many subjects are science subjects?

S: ……

T: How many of them are languages?

S: ……

T: Which languages do you study at our school?

S: .…..

T: Which subjects do you like best? Why?

S: ……

Ask the students to imitate the dialogue to get which subject their partner like and why by using the following drills.

Which subject do you like best? Why?

Which subject do you like better between ...and …? Why?

I like … because …

I think … is important because …

I would like to study/learn … because …

In my opinion … is … so I …..

Ask some of them to show their dialogues to the ss.

Step 3 Everyday English and Function

(I) T: After we have talked about the favorite subjects you like best, now lets turn to another part. Every day when we have a break between classes we may meet some old friends, you may talk about your classes , now please turn to P8 , let’s learn the dialogue in Everyday English and Function .

Ask the students to listen to the tape ,then to read the dialogue in pairs. (explain some difficult words and teach ask them to pronounce them by looking up them in the dictionary)

Ask the students to read and analyze these sentences.

1 How are you doing?

2 Oh really?

3 Is that right?

(II) Work in pairs. Make a conversation about one of your classes . Use the conversation in activity 1 to help. Ask some of them to report and act their dialogue out.

Step4 Summary

The teacher summary the whole class for the students and tell them what they should do to improve .


I Review the drills we learned in this class.

II Preview Reading and vocabulary & Cultural corner.

Period 2

Teaching content

a) Reading and vocabulary

b) Cultural corner

Teaching aims and demands

a) get the students to understand the texts well

b) get the students to know the school life in other schools ( at home and in the USA)

c) help the students to improve their reading ability

Teaching methods

a) speaking b) reading c) discussing d) pair-work& group-work

Teaching steps

Step 1 Revision

I Revise last class by ask them which subject they like best and why.

II Revise everyday English by asking which class do you have before our English class and talk about it with the help of Everyday English and Function on P8

Step 2 Lead-in (Discuss and compare)

T: Everybody , we have studied in a new school named Pingluo Middle School . Before you come here , all of you studied in different schools, now I will give you some time to think what the main differences and similarities between Junior High school and Senior High school.

And ask them to discuss these two problems:

1 Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than that at Junior High school?

2 Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?

T: After we have compared Senior High school and Junior High school, now we will learn something about Likang’s First day at Senior High . before we read the text let’s learn some words first.

Step 3 Vocabulary

Deal with the vocabulary on P2 by finishing the questions in the part.

Step 4 Reading

I Scanning

Read the text quickly and try to find the answer to these questions:

a) What are the differences between Likang’s Junior High school and Senior High school?

b) What are the two things the English teacher thinks important to do in class?

c) What are the two things that the English teacher want to improve?

II Understanding

Play the tape for the students and ask them to listen & read following the tape in a low voice. Then finish the forth part in Reading and Vocabulary on P3.

III Careful-reading

Ask the students to read the passage again and find out which word in the box in the fifth part of Reading and Vocabulary on P4. And ask them try to guess the meaning and explain the words in English according to the text.

Ask the students to read the three summaries of Likang’s opinion about the new school in the sixth part in Reading and Vocabulary on P4. Decide which is the best.

IV Discussion

T: We have known the Likang’s life at Senior High, is your English classroom like Likang’s? is your class the same size as his? Is the number of boys and girls the same? Are you looking forward to doing your English homework? Now please discuss with your partner and compare your school life with Likang’s.

Step5 Cultural corner


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