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高一英语My new teachers单元教案



Activity 2. Ask the students to describe their teachers they know, using the words given above.

For example: Our science teacher is very energetic and intelligent.

I am fond of Mr. Li’s classes. They are never boring.

Our English teacher is serious but his teaching style is well organized.



Activity 3 Pair work

Discuss the following sentences True or False according to your own experiences. And share your opinions with your partner.

1. All good teachers talk a lot.

2. I think teachers need to be strict.

3. I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students.

4. The most popular teachers are always very kind.

5. Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.

6. Good teachers always return homework quickly.

7. You should be able to ask your teacher questions at any time during a lesson.

8. It doesn’t matter if a teacher is not organized.

Activity 4 Listening.

Listen to Alex, and English student, and tick the sentences above that he agrees with. Compare your choices with Alex and have a discussion with your classmates what makes a good teacher.

Activity 5 Everyday English

a. Make sure the students know the meaning of the following expressions.

Have you got that take a look kids that’s settled a couple of things it’s up to you

b. Complete the conversations with these expressions.

Activity 5 Homework

1. Memorize the adjectives we have learned in the class.

2. You should know some adjectives have positive or negative meanings or both.

Period 2

Teaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary

Activity 1. Warming-up( brainstorming)

Try to find out the positive adjectives to describe the three teachers in the textbook.

Activity 2 Pre-reading(prediction)

Look at the pictures given in the textbook, make predictions about which subject do you think they may teach.

Listen to the text and check your prediction.

Mrs. Li _______________

Mrs. Chen _______________

Mr. Wu _______________

Activity 3 Intensive reading

a. skimming and scanning: Read the text silently and quickly to get the general idea. Then answering the following questions.

1. Which teachers do the students like a lot?

2. Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict?

b. detail reading: Answer the following questions according to the article.

1. Which paragraphs tell us what the teachers look like?

2. What subjects does each teacher teach?

3. Who is the most popular teacher?

4. Who is the kindest teacher?

5. Which teacher are students most afraid of?

6. Which teachers explain things clearly?

Activity 4 Post-reading

Interview: Interview some of your classmates about which teacher they would like to have and ask them to give specific reasons to support their own idea.

Activity 5. Key points of the passage

1. so…that



so that




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