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29. Jane swims ________than I, but she doesn’t swim ________my sister.

A. better; as well as B. better; better C. as well as; better D. better; than

30. They went by train ________Beijing, and there took ship ________France.

A. so far as; for B. as far as; to C. to; so far as D. for; as far as

31. The food tastes ________and sells well.

A. nice B. well C. salt D. much better

32. The result proved________.

A. correct B. that his words right C. being correct D. what he said is right

33. The ________ spider lives in the hot, thick rain forests of South America.

A. bird-eaten B. eaten-bird C. bird-eating D. eating-bird

34. He thought the Englishman was ________that American.

A. so clever as B. less clever than C. as cleverer as D. more cleverer than

35. I’d like him to go and see ________the coat would be ready.

A. how soon B. how long C. whether D. that

36. Speak________, please, I can’t hear you.

A. loudly B. louder C. alouder D. more loudly

37. It is certain that he has ________heart trouble.

A. little B. no C. not D. big

38. In the sports meet he jumped ________, so he was ________spoken of.

A. highly; high  B. the higher; highly

C. highest; highly  D. more highly; very high

39. He is not good at French, ________ good at German.

A. he is B. nor does he C. neither he is D. neither is he

40. Look out! Here________.

A. comes the bus B. is the bus coming C. the bus comes D. the bus is coming

41. Your coat is wet. Why not take ________?

A. off it B. it off C. it down D. out it

42. This hall is ________that room.

A. twice big than B. twice as bigger as C. not big as D. twice as big as

43. You’d better keep your mouth ________ and your eyes________.

A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened D. close; opened

44. Ella was a ________shy girl but her classmates seldom thought of her as shy.

A. quite B. rather C. too D. so

45. The little boy was ________frightened ________move.

A. both; and B. too; to C. either; or D. not; until

46. The children were ________excited to see ________many strange things in the museum.

A. very; that B. much; so C. too; such D. too; so

47. ________meeting will begin is still unknown.

A. If the B. That the C. When the D. The

48. Only when air moves________.

A. it can be felt B. can we feel it C. can it feel D. we can feel it

49. The college students insisted on being sent to work ________they were most needed ________they graduated.

A. where; when B. if; unless C. because; while D. though; as

50. — ________do you go to see your grandfather?

— Twice a month.

A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. What time

51. The girl wore a coat ________long for her.

A. too much B. much too C. very much D. a bit of

52. Tom’s mother lay________, so Tom sat________.

A. ill, silence B. sick; silent C. with illness; still D. sickly; worried

53. He was ________ kind ________show me the way to the stadium.

A. enough; to B. so; that C. very; in order to D. so; as to

54. It’s________ nine o’clock. You are ________at breakfast!

A. yet; still B. still; already C. already; yet D. already; still

55. He was so deeply moved by his words that he couldn’t fall ________deep into the night.

A. sleep B. asleep C. sleeping D. sleepy

56. I hardly ever hear him sing ________song.

A. any B. many C. such D. latest

57. She was half an hour ________for the class.

A. late B. later C. latter D. latest

58. Mr. Scott is ________respected by his students.

A. very B. extreme C. rather D. much

59. I think ________to learn English from early childhood.

A. it best B. it is the best C. it the best D. it will be best

60. I can’t remember where I put the pen, it is ________to be found.

A. nowhere B. somewhere c. anywhere D. however

1—10. CCCAC  DDDAB  11—20. CADDC  AADCA  21—30. BACAA  BCCAB  31—40. AACBA  BBCDA  41—50. BDBBB  DCBAC  51—60. BBDDB  AADAA






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