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Research Announcement

The University of Michigan conducted two studies using GoKnow's educational programs for hand-held computers.  The results announcement provides study specifics as well as quotes from the participating teachers. Key findings include:

The first study, underwritten by the National Science Foundation, focused on science curricuham (课程) for seventh grade students. In two years of the study, the hand-held computer group performed 2 percent and 13 percent better than the non-hand-held group.

The second study focused on basic math facts for third grade students. The hand-held computer group performed 7 percent better than the non-hand-held group and the subset of low-achieving students performed 11 percent better.

We invite you to download a copy of the research results announcement (PDF file) here.

Scientifically-Based Research Snapshots (简介)

GoKnow has developed snapshots to provide the relevant research details to support educators as they prepare funding requests. Each one-page overview provides the following information from each study:

Administrator and Statistical Analyst; Subject Areas and Skills Tested; Methodology and Results.

We invite you to download a copy of the research snapshots (PDF file) here.

Ready to learn more?

For additional information on how to incorporate hand-held learning into your classroom or suggestions on how to prepare funding requests, please call 866-505-2074, or e-mail goknow @ goknow.com.

1.This text will probably be found ________.

A.on the website B.in a newspaper

C.in a guidebook D.in a textbook

答案:A 推理判断题。文中几次提到可在这儿下载内容,所以应该是一个网站的网页,所以选A。

2.The research snapshots don't contain ________.

A.Subject Areas and Skills Tested

B.Administrator and Statistical Analyst

C.Methodology and Results

D.the research results announcement

答案:D 细节理解题。根据文中Scientifically-Based Research Snapshots中的内容可知,不包括D项。

3.According to the introduction, hand-held computers ________.

A.help all the students to make great achievements

B.help K-12 students to improve their study

C.improve seventh grade students in science

D.improve third grade students in math

答案:B 细节理解题。由GoKnow Learning recently released scientifically-based research可得知答案。

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce hand-held computers.

B.To help children to improve their study.

C.To explain the course on the Internet.

D.To encourage more people to incorporate hand-held learning.

答案:D 主旨归纳题。这是一篇广告,目的是让更多人了解并参与其中,故选D。



There are various reasons__1__people write poetry. Some poems tell__2__story or describe something in a way__3__will give the reader a strong impression.__4__try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poems__5__(express) themselves. In this text, however, we will look at a few__6__the simpler forms.

Some of the first poetry a young child__7__(learn) in English is nursery rhymes. These rhymes like the one on the right are still a common type of children's poetry. The language is concrete(实在的) but imaginative, and they delight small children__8__they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of__9__(repeat). The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. By__10__(play)with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


1.why 2.a 3.that 4.Others 5.to express 6.of 7.learns

8.because 9.repetition 10.playing






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