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35. Would you ________giving him a message for me?

A. mind B. care C. like d. be willing

36. Would you be ________to step this way, please?

A. too kind B. so kind C. so kind as D. as kind as

37. I ________play football than baseball.

A. would rather B. would rather to C. like better D. had better

38. — I’d like to get a job.

— I ________much rather you ________at home and ________care of the children.

A. want; would stay; take  B. want; stayed; took

C. would; would stay; take  D. would; stayed; took

39. I wish I ________what ________wrong with the machine.

A. know; is B. knew; was C. knew; is D. know; was

40. There is nothing left. I wish ________so much money on clothes.

A. I haven’t spent B. I had not spent C. couldn’t’ have spend D. I not spend

41. Well, it is high time you ________the train.

A. had caught B. caught C. will catch D. catch

42. He talks as though eh ________all the work himself, but in fact Jim and John did most of it.

A. did B. has done C. does D. had done

43. He spoke as though he ________in space at that moment.

A. walked B. would walk C. were walking D. would have walked

44. He looked ________he had just woken.

A. that B. if though C. as if D. like

45. If only we ________a recorder of our own.

A. had B. have C. will have D. would have

46. Mother told me to put on my coat ________I should catch cold.

A. if B. unless C. in order that D. for fear that

47. She insisted that we ________there for another two days.

A. stay B. would stay C. stayed D. must stay

48. I requested that he ________ us some advice on how to do it.

A. must give B. give C. were to give D. gave

49. It was requested that the play ________again.

A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on `D. put on

50. it was suggested that he ________given a special care.

A. should be not B. not be C. mustn’t be D. be not

51. — Why did Goli get angry?

— He asked that Jane ________for Holland, but she wouldn’t listen to him.

A. left B. leave C. must leave D. would leave

52. He insisted that she ________fit for the job.

A. be not B. wouldn’t be C. wasn’t D. didn’t

53. Her pale face suggests that she ________in poor health.

A. should be B. was C. were D. is

54. It is our idea that she ________to England for further study.

A. goes B. will go C. went D. go

55. — What do you think of it?

— I think it is a thing of importance that it ________done soon.

A. is B. was C. be D. were

56. I never expected that the problem ________so complicated.

A. is B. to be C. were D. should be

57. I was surprised the policeman ________in the impostor.

A. should believe B. would believe C. believed D. was believed

58. Give me a call tomorrow in order that I ________to come to your discussion.

A. may remember B. remembered C. were to remember D. should remember

59. Whatever difficulties we ________meet with, we ________lose heart.

A. may; wouldn’t B. should; wouldn’t C. should; won’t D. may; won’t

60. We ________as well send him a telegram.

A. may B. had C. would D. can

1—10. BACAA  DDDDC  11—20. DCACB  DCDAA  21—30. BAAAC  DBBAA  31—40. DCBDA  CADCB  41—50. BDCCA  DABCB  51—60. BCDDC  DAADA






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