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It was twenty­three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were.Today she doesn’t have to.She already knows.

1.Why does Mother say that my sisters can be my best friends?

A.Because we fight over toys,food and attention.

B.Because my sisters are the same age as I.

C.Because my sisters will always be there for me.

D.Because we are always punished by Mother equally.

2.What’s the author’s greatest gift?

A.The friendship of her different friends.

B.What her mother did for her.

C.The love of her mother for her daughters.

D.Both of her sisters.

3.What made the author change her opinion about best friends?

A.What Mother said about the relationship between friends and sisters.

B.What Mother experienced because she had no siblings.

C.Her mother’s favoritism to one daughter over the other.

D.What the sisters shared only with each other.

4.Twenty­three years later,who became the author’s best friends?

A.My mother and father.

B.Jill and Jaime.

C.My sisters,Jim and Jaime.

D.Cindy and Karen.



长相 又高又瘦,白皮肤,蓝眼睛,褐色的头发

年龄 17岁

性格 待人友好;乐于助人,任何人有麻烦,他都会伸出援助之手,全班同学都喜欢他

爱好 我们俩有很多相同的爱好,如游泳、读书、唱歌、打篮球

学习 人很聪明,学习刻苦,曾经两次获得学校奖学金,这是特别值得我学习的地方

其他 当然他也有缺点,但我认为这不会影响我们之间的友谊



这条河是那条河长度的三倍。1The river is 3 times as long as that one.2The river is 3 times the length of that one.3The river is twice longer than that one.


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