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Text 1:

W: Let’s go to dance on Friday.

M: I’d like to, but I’m going to a lecture. Thank you for asking me.

Text 2

M: How about the tour to the island?

W: It was worth neither the time nor the money.

Text 3:

W: We are going to change our meeting from Monday to Tuesday.

M: It’s all the same to me.

Text 4:

M: We plan t go to the beach after class. Want to come?

W: I’d love to, but Professor Jones wants to speak with me.

Text 5:

W: Janet sounded worried about her grades.

M: But she’s getting As and Bs, isn’t she?


Text 6:

W: English Language Center. May I help you?

M: Yes, I’m calling to find out more information about your program. And what kind of courses do you offer?

W: Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities to the people of this area, whether a student’s goal is to master basic language skills or to study intensively to enter a Canada college.

M: Ok. I’m calling for a friend who is interested in attending a Canada college.

W: And that’s the kind of instruction we provide, from basic communication course to content-based classes, such as computer literacy, inter-cultural communication, and business English.

M: Great! What is the tuition for a full-time student?

W: It’s three thousand and thirty dollars.

M: And how does one apply?

W: Well, we can send you an application and you can mail it back to us, or you can fill out our application that’s on our Website.

Text 7:

M: Hi, Viola. Anybody sitting here?

W: Oh, hi, Tyler, have a seat. Looks like the whole dorm came to lunch today, doesn’t it?

M: Yeah it does; it’s crowded. Hey, in class today I heard you say that you have a big family.

W: That’s right. I’ve got 6 brothers and 5 sisters.

M: Vow! That’s pretty big! Are you the oldest?

W: No, actually, I’m the second oldest.

M: That’s got to be a lot of work. What do your parents do?

W: Well, my father drives a cab. He works out at the airport at night.

M: What about your mother?

W: My mother runs a small family store.

M: What kind of store it is?

W: Oh, we mostly sell food ------ bread eggs, milk, rice, that sort of thing.

M: I guess a food store like that would come in handy if you had a large family.

Text 8:

W: What’s wrong with you?

M: Well, I had some of friends over to watch a basketball game on TV, but one of them got all excited, and he knocked over my wife’s 250-year-old vase and broke it beyond repair.

W: On, vow. You are in trouble now.

M: Yeah. What’s more, the water from the vase spilled all over the manuscript of a book my wife has been writing for the past two years. So one of my friends tried to dry the pages by the fire, but they got burnt.

W: But did she have an electronic copy?

M: Well, actually, her computer crashed the day before while I was playing some computer games, and I haven’t been able to get it to work since.

W: Man, you are going to have a hard time digging yourself out of this one.

Text 9:

W: Now, Mr. Snow, what can you remember about the attack?

M: Well, I was working late yesterday evening.

W: What time did you leave your office?

M: About a quarter past nine.

W: Are you sure?

M: Oh, yes. I looked at my watch.

W: What did you do then?

M: Well, I locked the door, and I was walking to my car when somebody hit me on the head.

W: Did you see the attacker?

M: No, he was wearing a stocking over his head.

W: Tell me, Mr. Snow, how did you break your leg?

M: Well, when the doctors were putting me into the car, they dropped me!

Text 10:

A mouse named Mickey has won the hearts of millions. Movies about Mickey have been popular with people almost everywhere for more than 70 years.

Walt Disney, who created this mouse, was born in Chicago in 1901. Later his family moved to Kansas City. As a boy, he enjoyed drawing pictures very much.

When he went back to Chicago, he studied at the Chicago Academy. His education was interrupted because of World War Ⅰ. He joined the Red Cross and went to France, where he stayed until the war was over.

After the war, he returned to work for a company that made fairy cartoons. This was the work he liked best. He bought an old movie camera and made a few films in his house. In 1923 he joined his older brother in Hollywood, where they soon set up their own company.


1-5 CBBCC      6-10 ACBAC     11-15 CAACA     16-20 BBBCB


21-25 BCABB    26-30 DBCCB    31-35 CDCCC


36-40 DBCBA    41-45 BDCBA    46-50 CACDB    51-55 DBACA


56-58 BCD       59-62 CADB     63-66 CDBD     67-70 CBDB


71-75 EBGAC


1. had 改为has    2. great 前加a    3. he改为I   4. heard 改为hearing 或heard 前加he

5. harder 改为 hard     6. enter to 去掉 to    7. was happened  去掉was

8. it 改为which或it前加and      9. or改为and      10. to 前加is


Nowadays, there is too much entertainment shown on TV, which makes quite a few children become addicted. Besides, many children tend to fix their attention on soap operas after school. There is no doubt that it would make children ignore their studies. What’s worse, it is harmful to children’s eyesight it they sit too long in front of TV.

In my opinion, more useful and meaningful TV programs should be made for children, so that they can learn something from them. At the same time, parents should limit the time their children spend on TV to protect their eyesight.






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