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51. 那里三河交汇,奇峰高耸,深草如茵覆盖大地。

52. 使它们在富丽乡村景色的映衬下,如钻石般闪耀璀璨。

53. 周边的森林是众多鸟类和动物的家园。

54. people live in perfect harmony with nature

55. how to stay young forever.

61. C. 推理判断题。利用文章的倒金塔结构以及排除法得出答案是一篇新闻报道。

62. C. 细节理解题。从文章第1段中“an office worker”以及下文多次提到他所在的company得出答案。

63. C. 细节理解题。答案在文章第2段“because he could not afford to buy or rent in the capital”答案要忠实原文,不能凭自己的主观臆断。

64. C. 推理判断题。答案在第八段,灵感来自于他所在公司举办的展览中的一项房屋设计。

65. D. 作者态度理解题。从文中可以看出作者只是客观记述,没有褒贬之情。

66. C. 细节理解题。从文章第五段可知, Mr.Smart第一次面临死亡的威胁是两年前得了心脏病。

67. B. 推理判断题。从文章第三段可知, 当Mr.Smart大出血时, 医生一时难于把血止住, 以致通知他的家人准备后事, 可推断当时大家都认为他必死无疑。

68. D. 细节理解题。从文章最后一段可知, 医院认为Mr.Smart能够活下来简直就是个奇迹。

69. C. 词义猜测题。根据语境可知, 孩子们无法立刻赶回来与他告别, 因此大家只是期望Mr.Smart能够‘挺过来’. B项come back to life意为‘苏醒’。

86. Because they felt it would be more fun.

87. They were enrolled in a study-abroad program.

88. It took 12 hours./ 12 hours. 新$课$标$第$一$网

89. Because they were afraid they would get robbed.

One possible version

I’m Li Ping, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Hunan Guangming Middle School. I like music, especially classical music. I’m also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. Through my hobbies, I’ve made many friends. In fact, I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them. Believing we all need help from each other, I appreciate friends’ help, and I’m willing to help anyone in need.

I love life, Mother Nature as well as peace. I hate any form of violence.

I would like to join the Peace & Friendship Winter Camp since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about their cultures.


Conversation 1

W: Having visited so many different countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.

M: I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones I have ever learned to speak.

W: Have you ever tried Chinese?

M: Yes, but I gave up halfway. The Chinese characters are too difficult to practise.

W: How about Japanese?

M: I had studied in a Japanese class for two or three months, but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became.

W: Do you like traveling?

M: No, I don’t, but I have to. I work in the sales department.

Conversation 2

M : Close your book and get your paper ready. Now, we' ll have a dictation.

W: Yes, sir.

M : Listen carefully and I'll read it through first. While listening, try to catch the main idea of the dictation. That way, you'll find the dictation easier.

W: All right, sir.

M: When taking the dictation, you should pay attention to your handwriting, punctuation and speed. Are you ready?

W: Yes, you can start, sir.

Conversation 3

M : Hi, Lucy, I haven’t seen you for quite a while. So what are you doing in the library?

W: Hi, Jim, I have just realized that I am in a hurry to do a presentation, but the classroom is on the other side of the school and I have only 10 minutes left. I have to go now.

M : Just calm down, Lucy. It is raining outside. Did you bring an umbrella with you?

W: God, I left it at home before I went to school this morning. What should I do right now?

M : Don’t worry, Lucy. Let’s figure it out together. I have an umbrella in my gym locker. I can lend my umbrella to you. Would you stay here and wait for me?

W: That’s very nice of you, Jimmy, but the gym is too far away from her. I can’t wait any longer, or else I will be late. Don’t bother. I’ll go at once.

Conversation 4

W: What’s the time by your watch, David?

M: Just a minute. It’s just ten to ten by my watch.

W: Is it? I had no idea it was too late. I must be going now.

M: Can’t you stay a little longer?

W: I’m afraid not. I must catch the ten-thirty train back.

M: You’ve got plenty of time yet. The railway station’s very near. It won’t take more than fifteen minutes to get there.

W: Well, I hate to rush at the last minute.

M: OK, drop in whenever you like.

W: Yes. I’ll do that. Thank you for asking me to dinner, it was nice dinner party and I’ve enjoyed your cooking.

M: I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Good night.

W: Good night.

Conversation 5

W: Come in, Please!

M: Hello, Miss Gao. I'm sorry to trouble you.

W: Not at all. Sit down, please. Would you like a cup of tea?

M: Yes, please. Thank you.

W: What can I do for you?

M: Yes, I’ ve come here to ask about my son Tom's progress.

W: OK. Tom is a clever boy,but he doesn't work hard at some subjects, I'm afraid.

M: What subjects is he weak in?

W: He is weak in Chinese and Science.

M: Is he? What can I do? Can you help him?

W: I will ask him to study harder than before. I will help him to study Chinese and science.

M: Thank you very much.

Conversation 6

M: I heard there was an earthquake in Xinjiang yesterday.

W: Yes. I watched the news on CCTV.

M: Were there any deaths?

W: Yes, it was reported that about 20 people were killed,including 4 children. And a lot of people lost their homes.

M: We must do something to help them. What shall we do?

W: Our class is going to put on some performances to collect money for them.

M: What a great idea! I’ll join you.

Section B

Bicycles are very popular in parts of the world, such as China and India. It is very convenient to go to work by bicycle, especially during the rush hour. You can also ride a bicycle on weekends in the suburb enjoying the beautiful suburban scenery. Sure, bicycles allow you to get around and exercise at the same time. Believe it or not, the bicycle was once a tool of sexual liberation. Let' s forget the hard seat for a moment. Before bicycles became popular, women stayed at home and appeared on the street covered. Bicycles put an end to that, offering the ability to go where you wanted under your own power. Women liked bicycles very much. Of course, it's hard to ride a bicycle in a long skirt, so women wore shorter skirts, trousers and even sports shorts. As a result, men and women had more opportunities to meet together.






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