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6.       My grandfather gave me three pens, ________ writes well.

A.     Neither of which

B. none of which

C. none of them

D. neither of them

7.       Recently I bought a big house, ________ was very reasonable.

A.     Which price

B. the price of which

C. the price of whose

D. its price

8.       The factory ________ I am going to is the place ________ my mother used to work many years ago.

A.     where; where

B. where;  which

C. which; where

D. that; which

9.       He is a man of great knowledge, ________ much can be learned.

A.     In whom

B. about whom

C. of whom

D. from whom

10.   The last place ________ we visited was the Great Wall.

A.     which

B. that

C. where

D. it

11.   It is one of the means, ________ the electric energy is conducted from one place to another.

A.     by which

B. by that

C. through which

D. through that

12.   The professor made his first speech, _______ he talked about some subjects the students were interested in.

A.     in which

B. which

C. when

D. that

13.   He was badly hurt in the game, ______ made him and his parents very sad.

A.     which

B. it

C. that

D. where

14.   The woman carrying babies, come in first, ________?

A.     will you

B. will they

C. don’t they

D. don’t you

15.   —Can you give me the right answer?

—Sorry, I ________. Would you please repeat that question?

A.     haven’t listened

B. hadn’t listened

C. don’t listen

D. wasn’t listening

16.   She ________ computer games that day before I ________.

A.     is playing; call

B. was playing; called

C. was played; called

D. had been playing; called

17.   He ________ a book about science, but now I don’t know whether he has finished it.

A.     writes

B. is writing

C. has been writing

D. has written

18.   The Dutch settled in   Holland ,  Michigan  . They ________ the town the character it ________ today.

A.     have given; have

B. have given; has

C. gave; is having

D. are giving; does have

19.   At this time tomorrow ________ over the  Atlantic .

A.     we are to fly

B. we’ll be flying

C. we’ll fly

D. we’re going to fly

20.   —Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.

—Well, it _________ me.

A.     isn’t

B. wasn’t

C. hasn’t been

D. hadn’t been


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