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Have you got any wonderful plans for your coming winter vacation?Here are some wonderful films for you to kill time.

Away We Go

With a baby on his way,a young couple,Burt and Verona,look at their lives and are puzzled about what they really want.So they hit the road and look for a place to call home.On their journey,they visit some characters and learn a lot.

It’s about taking the scenic route in life,preparing for the hope and excitement and fea r of new beginnings,while never forgetting to look out of the window.

500 Days 0f Summer

Tom is in love with Summer from the moment he sees her.Can he accept that she simply likes him for now,not for forever?The movie is about Tom struggling with that reality.Tom remembers his love Summer as a series of joys and puzzlements.But Summer is just herself and he cannot have her.

Here is a rare movie that begins by telling us how it will end and is about how the  hero has no idea why.


Esther,a bright and well-behaved child,however,is not as good as she appears.Soon after being taken home,the peace of her adoptive(领养的)family is completely changed. You want a good horror film about a child from hell(地狱) . Then you got one! Do not,in any case,take children to see it.

60.The purpose of this passage is to          .

A.advertise some films for a cinema        B.advertise several films for a website

C.introduce films for a film firm         D.introduce several films for fun

61.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Summer will be in love with Tom forever.

B.500 Days of Summer is a love story with a happy ending.

C.Away We Go shows a young couple’s life journey.

D.Burt and Verona have been married for a long time.

62.We know from Orphan that

A.Orphan is a funny film               B.Esther behaves as well as she looks.

C.Esther adds to happiness of the family   D.Children should be avoided


A new study shows students who write notes by hand during lectures perform better on exams than those who use laptops. Students are increasingly using laptops for note-taking because of speed .But the research has found laptop users are less able to remember and apply the concepts (概念)they have been taught.

Researchers performed experiments that aimed to find out whether using a laptop increased the tendency to make notes “mindlessly” by taking down word for word what the professors said.

In the first experiment, students were given either a laptop or pen and paper .They listened to the same lectures and were told to use their usual note-taking skills. Thirty minutes after the talk , they were examined on their ability to remember facts and on how well they understood concepts.

The researchers found that la ptop users took twice as many notes as those who wrote by hand. However, laptop users performed worse at remembering and applying the concepts. Both groups scored similarly when it came to memorizing facts.

The researchers’ report said, "While more notes are beneficial, if the notes are taken mindlessly, as is more likely the case on a laptop, the benefit disap pears."

In another experiment aimed at testing long-term memory, students took notes as before but were tested a week after the lecture. This time, the students who wrote notes by hand performed significantly better on the exam.

These two experiments suggest that handwritten notes are not only better for immediate learning and understanding, but that they also lead to revision in the future.

63.More and more students prefer laptops for note-taking because they can        .

A. write less notes                  B. write more notes

C. get higher scores                 D. understand lectures better

64.The results of the study show that laptop users performed     .

A. better on the exam.              B. worse at remembering facts

C. worse at rememb ering concepts    D. better for immediate learning

65.The author of the passage aims to        .

A.examine the importance of revision   B. encourage the use of laptops

C. explain the benefit of taking notes    D.explain the benefit of taking notes by hand

66.The passage is likely to appear in       .

A. a science magazine               B. a computer textbook

C. a newspaper advertisement         D. a finance report


During this year’s APEC meeting ,a ceremony(典礼) of gifts given by China to APEC leaders was held in Beijing on Tuesday. It is organized by China Construction Bank and ShenZhen-based Investment company Bater Group . The ceremony showed the public debut(首次公开) of the collector’s productions of three souvenirs(纪念品)----a cloisonne vase that President Xi Jinping presented to other leaders who attended the APEC Leaders’Week, an exquisite handbag and a fruit plate that the first lady Peng Liyuan gave to the leaders ’ wives.

Six  designers, including Zhong Lianshen from Beijing Group, shared their designing process of the souvenirs with the attendees. Zhong Lianshen who worked on the design and production of Chinese arts ,said“I believe that with the active power of the market, the production skills and its spirit of Chinese traditional arts and crafts will be carried forward for further development,”

According to Zhong, the cloisonne vase that was presented to the twenty APEC leaders were selected from 48 design offers and the other two art pieces that were given to leaders’ wives were also chosen from 35 design offers.

Cloisonne enamel(景泰蓝搪瓷) is a traditional skill of decorating and coloring metal. Enamel technology entered the Forbidden City during the Yuan Dynasty with Chinese designs that pleased the royal families and earned its beautiful name “Blue Jing-Tai”.

According to the early media reports, the cloisonne vase and the handbag each cost 39,800 yuan ($6,500) and the fruit plate is 99,800 yuan($16,300).

APEC meeting has a tradition of presenting souvenirs to its leaders who attend the  meeting, by its hosts.

67.According to the passage President Xi Jinping presented      to other leaders.

A.a fruit plate               B.a cloisonne vase and a handbag

C.a cloisonne vase           D.a handbag and a fruit plate

68.The underlined word “exquisite” in Paragraph 1 most probably means

A.fancy          B.worthless         C.magical        D.selective

69.The cloisonne vase and the handbag cost about

A.80000 yuan       B.39800yuan       C.65000yuan     D.70000 yuan

70.The passage mainly tells us during this year’s APEC meeting

A.traditional Chinese culture was introduced

B.a cloisonne vase was presented by President Xi

C.a handbag and a fruit plate were presented by First Lady Peng

D.three gifts were presented by President Xi and First Lady Peng


第一部分 词汇(共两节 满分15分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题0.5分;满分5分)


71. He bought me a v____diamond ring as a birthday present.

72. The hall is large enough to c_____500 people.

73. How can the athletes enjoy _____ (比赛)in the Winter Olympics?

74. The song “Stronger” is very f ____  to me , because I often listen to it.

75. We had better forget those things that aren’t      (值得)remembering.

76. I ’m sorry I  t      disagree with your idea.

77. As long as you’ve paid ahead of time ,you are not        (收费)for service.

78. On rainy day s umbrellas can provide us with ______(保护).

79. The father of a family should have more sense of  r_____.

80. She ______(假装) that she likes them so that she can get their help.

第二节 课文填空,根据课文内容填入所缺单词。(满分10分,每空0.5分)


The          of the room was in the                            in those days.


Daisy             into           .


To be        , a lot of people         great importance               rich and famous.


Only athletes who have                   standard for their event will be___ as competitors.


my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I                told.

第二部分 写作 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节 短文填词 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Let’s share the earth with animals

As we know, not only human beings but also the wildlife has the same right to live on the earth,   86 (包括)animals. We are all the masters of the earth.

H   87  , the situations in which animals live worry us a lot. The number of them has     d   88  continuously as a result of people’s hunting. Even worse, people kill rare animals without   89  (仁慈)for their furs and their habitats are often polluted. And then    90  can we deal with such situations?  P 91  ,I think our government should take a series of measures to protect animals from  92  hunted or killed, like making special laws to protect animals.  A  93  all, we are supposed to call on more people to raise their awareness of protecting animals.

There is no doubt that  94  when we share the earth with animals, can we live a more      95   (和平的)life .So it’s high time that we should protect animals.

第二节  书面表达 (满分20分)











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