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I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。

1. The _voyage_ (航行) from England to India used to take six months.

2. She comes from London; her native__ language is English.

3. He bought a new apartment____ near where he works.

4. It becomes warm gradually____ when spring is coming.

5. Hans Christian Andersen was a famous __Danish____ (丹麦的) author who was remembered for his fairy stories.

6. He has a large __vocabulary____ (词汇量) in English after he has studied it for five years.

7. He didn’t know the __identity____ (身份) of the person who had been his neighbor for one year.

8. In your composition there are a lot of __spelling____ (拼写) mistakes.

9. They greeted the president with many __expressions____ (表达) of pleasure.

10. She spoke with an American accent____.

II. 选择合适的词或短语填空。

1. because of; because

a. He was late for class _because of_____ an accident.

b. She stayed at home _because_____ she had to review her lessons.

2. such as; for example

a. You’d better eat some fruits every day __such as____ apple, watermelon, pearl.

b. A few simple measures can be taken, for example, to make sure that the desks are the right height.

III. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。

at present; come up; base on; make use of; the latter

1. With Christmas _coming up_____, few people have much money to spare.【2016高中生寒假专题

2. I don’t need the dictionary _at present_____.

3. We should _make use of_____ our spare time to improve ourselves.

4. Both the cookie and the cake were good, but I preferred _the latter_____.

5. Your theory should be _based on_____ the fact.

IV. 用所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。

1. She __frequently____ (frequent) goes out for a trip.

2. How _fluently_____ (fluent) he speaks English.

3. We crossed into __Germany____ (German) from Switzerland.

4. Can you change the __spelling____ (spell) of the word into the correct one?

5. I got the right answer, but __actually____ (actual) I didn’t know it.

Part 3: Learning about Language

I. 根据括号内的汉语提示,完成句子。

1. We should __make good use of the chance__ (很好地利用这个机会) to learn spoken English.

2. He commanded that ____should attack___ (我们进攻) at once.

3. The passengers _are request to enter the meeting room in order (被要求有秩序地进入会议室).

4. _The usages of some English words__ (一些英语单词的用法) are difficult to learn.

II. 将下列直接引语转换为间接引语。

1. He said to the farmers, “Do things at the right time of the year.”

He told the farmers to do things at the right time of year.

2. “Open your books, please,” he said.

He asked me to open my book.

3. “Don’t eat the cold food,” my mother said.

My mother told me not to eat the cold food.

4. “Could you please tell me the way to the post office?” said the boy.

The boy asked me if I could tell him the way to the post office.

5. He said to the soldiers, “Put down your guns at once.”

He asked the soldiers to put down their guns at once.






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