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70.The underlined word “it” means ________.

A.the body of old Harry  B.the opening on top of Mt St Helens

C.the location of Harry‘s home  D.the place where Harry probably died

第Ⅱ卷 (满分45分)

第四部分  词汇(共两节,满分15分)

第一节 根据汉语、首字母或语境提示写出单词 (共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)

71.  P________, I‘d disagreed with you on your plan.

72. The 21st century is the century of information t___________(技术).

73. An important message will be____________ (广播) tomorrow evening.

74. The school building was d_________ by a famous professor in Beijing, whose style many people prefer.

75. A lot of people doubted whether I could s__________ in business at first.

76.  Police asked some p__________(过路人) to get some evidence about the accident happened just now.

77. I got a friendly____________(接待) from the university.

78. His father is a famous m________, who writes many songs.

79.Now many children are learning to play different kinds of musical____(乐器)

80.Drive the enemies out of the country, and the people can live a p_______ life.

第二节 根据所学课文内容填空(共5小题,每空0.5分,满分10分)


_____ ____ ___________, I totally changed my shape. As I have grown older I have also grown smaller.

82. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。

Only athletes who have reached the _________ _____________ for their event will be ___________ as ______________.

83. 毫无疑问,这些箱子被装上火车运往歌尼斯堡。从那以后,琥珀的去处便成了一个谜。

There is no ________ ________ the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. After that, what happened to the AmberRoom

___________ _____ __________.


You should _________ __________ _______________ ________ the rainforest where I live and _____________ how the animals live together.

85. 后来,他们可能在酒吧或俱乐部里演出,这样他们可以得到现金。

Later they may give ____________ in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid ______ _______.

第五部分  写作(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 短文填词 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


During the summer holiday, I thought I

should do something meaningful _________ of staying          86. ________

at home, so I got a job at a KFC fast food r__________          87. _______

and worked there _______ a cleaner. I worked seven hours        88. ________

a day for three ________. The job was hard and boring and      89. ________

seemed endless, _____ made me so tired that I nearly gave     90. ________

it up half way. After all, I stuck to it with _________(决心).         91. ________

Every day I s______ off for work early in the morning and          92. ________

got home late in the evening. Finally I finished the job ____      93. ________

the new term began. Now, I understand ____labor means.       94. _______

I think it is really a successful e_________.                 95. _______

第二节  书面表达(满分20分)

Write a passage about 120 words according to the structure below. Remember to include the information from the questions in your article.

My Robot  







  What your robot is like?    

  What your robot can do?   

  How your robot helps you?     

  How useful the robot is !



( Text 1)

W: Do you go to school by bus?

M:No, never. I usually go on my bike. But if it rains, my father drives me there.

W: I usually go by bus, but sometimes when there’s heavy traffic, I will take the subway.


W: Would you like to visit Alice with me after school? She’s been sick for two days.

M: Well, I’d have to bring my little sister, Mary.

W: That’s no problem.


W: Do you really need to leave now? It’s still early.

M: Thank you, but I’ve got to get up early tomorrow morning. I had a wonderful time tonight, though.

W: Me, too. Be sure to give my best wishes to your wife.


M: Why are you going to Boston?

W: I’m going th

ere to see my grandparents. My parents and I don’t live with them, so they sometimes get lonely. I usually visit them twice a year.


W: Don’t be upset. Nobody is perfect. E

verybody makes mistakes. Mistakes can even make you do things better when you learn from them.

M: Thank you very much for trying to make me feel

better. You’re so nice.


W: Wow, what a nice bike!

M: Thank you. I just bought it.

W: Why did you get it?

M: Riding a bike is better than driving a car in this city.

W: That is a good point. How much was it?

M: $ 80 . They are selling them down the street three blocks away.

W: 80 bucks, huh? That’s not very expensive.

M: Yeah, I think it’s a good investment. It will save me a lot of money on gas, too.

W: That’s great. Well, I have to go to work. See you later.


W: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I have reserved a double room here.

W: What’s your name, please?

M: My name is Neil Brown.

W: Okay, just a second, please. Yes. A double room for three nights.

M: That’s right. Is the room ready?

W: Yes, it’s ready. How will you be paying for the room, sir?

M: With my credit card.

W: Very good, sir. If I could have your card for a moment… Here’s the key. Your room number is 309.

M: Thank you. Where’s the elevator?

W: The elevator is on your left. Have a nice stay.

M: Thanks.

(Text 8)

W: I’m lost! Is this the way to the ChinaInternationalTradeCenter? I’m going to see my sister who lives nearby. Can you help me?

M: Cert

ainly. Walk down this street through the first intersection, and then turn left at the second corner. You will see the No. 3 bus stop on your left. That bus will take you right there.

W: Is that the quickest way?

M: That is probably the quickest and cheapest way to get there from here.

W: Is it possible to get a bus right from here?

M: I’m afraid there aren’t any direct buses from here. Even though there are stops at almost every block, the buses here do not go in that direction. You would have to change buses at least twice.

W: All right. Thank you.

M: You’re welcome. By the way, I suggest that you take the subway next time. It might be more expensive than the bus, but it is certainly the easiest way to get around this city.

(Text 9)

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. Could you show me that overcoat displayed on the shelf?

M: Sure. It’s the latest fashion and the design comes in five colors and all sizes. I think you should try the purple one. It’s a beautiful color and it would look great on you. The fitting room is over there.

W: Thank you… well, it feels a little tight in the waist. Do you have this in a larger size?

M: Of course, try this one on … oh, it’s beautiful! It looks as if it were made for you. It is only 880 yuan.

W: Oh, dear, that’s too expensive.

M: Madam, look at the quality and the style. It’s worth the price.

W: How about 400 yuan?

M: You must be joking. No one would sell such a nice overcoat at such a low price.

W: But 880 yuan is a lot more than I wanted to pay. Can you give me a

better price?

M: Well, it’s already a bargain, but if you really like it, I suppose I could let you have it for 600 yuan. But this is my lowest price.

W: OK. I’ll take it.


Dave Carter is my best friend. We met when we were five years old because our parents were friends and we went to the same school. He works in a different city now, so I only see him on weekends and during the holidays. He’s important to me because he knows me so well. We laugh a lot together and we enjoy the same things: football, going to bars… the usual staff. When I’m feeling down or when I need to talk to somebody, I can always call him. Recently, I was in trouble with my girlfriend and he was a big help—he’s really good listener. He just let me speak my mind while he listened. But he isn’t perfect! He’s always late and

he never apologizes! The last time I saw him was last weekend. We arranged to meet at four o’clock to play football, and he arrived at half past six! It was nearly dark! Oh, well, nobody’s perfect, right? He’s still a really good friend.






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