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1—5 DABCA 6—10 BDBAB 11—15 CDCAA

16—20 DCDBA 21—25 BDCBD 26—30 ADCBC 31—35 DABDC

36—39 BDCD 40—42 DCD

1. public 2. Reasons 3. expensive 4. better 5. helpful

6. effects 7. focus 8. teachers 9. compare 10. various

Dear sister,

Recently I have learned much from a girl who nearly lost her life in order to look good. I am anxious to give you some advice.

First of all, you may drink a cup of warm water after you get up, which will help you cleanse your body. Then, you should eat healthy meals, especially your breakfast, which will contribute to your health. Of course, there is no need for you to go on a diet. As to your food, you can add some fruits, vegetables and meat. You may know the saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Besides, you should do morning exercises, eye exercises and make full use of your PE lessons to help you keep healthy. Moreover, before going to bed, you can keep your feet in hot water for a while, which is of great help to help you relax.

My dear, follow it, please. Nothing is more important than health. Just as it says: Health is “1”, and the others are “0”. Once “1” loses, everything will lose.

Please write back soon and tell me what you think about my advice.

Best wishes for you!

Liu Ying


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