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第四部分 任务型阅读 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


Email marketing(营销) has become a popular means of modern advertisement. The receivers must have expressed their agreement to the sender for address use. Communication by email offers certainly a set of advantages.

Small costs: A big part of the costs is caused in classical marketing by the organization and production by means of advertising (postal Mailings, brochures, etc.). These costs don’t exist with the employment of email marketing. Naturally costs here are fees for the organization, for services of answering emails, and at last email lists provider fees. According to expert opinion this method can reduce the costs on the average 20 percent in relation to what the classical marketing methods spend.

Interactive(互动的) room: Different from classical information media or mail, email marketing offers direct feedback possibilities: Customers can give orders up immediately or send demands to email information. Thus it presents itself for example, to customers, who were informed by e-mail about new products to ask whether this kind of the advertisement is accepted by them - thus some losses can be avoided.

Convenient Response(回复): How it is simple and quick to click on a link in an email and the Response rates usually lie clearly over those classical mailing campaigns.

Exact marketing Control: With the classical Mailing the success measurement is frequently difficult. The collection of data(数据) is often different and puzzling. However, with email marketing measuring the result is not as difficult as classical mailing advertisement, for example the number of emails, and clicks on links in the email. Up to date data over market and customer behavior make it so possible to have a good understanding of the information and the product offers, so the company can more exactly meet the needs of the target groups.

However, an effective email marketing message means that you should put some personality(个性) into your messages to show you are honest and polite, which can be done by writing friendly messages, including full names and pictures of who you are and who is doing the writing and so forth. Second, the messages you send out have to be directly connected to the people receiving them, and provide information that people will care about, be interested in and find useful. Third, you'll have an easier time providing email messages if your list has been carefully targeted. There's no sense in buying a list full of names that don't know you and wish nothing to do with you. However if you've built a permission based list filled with people that may actually be interested and open to what you have to say, you'll have much more success.

Title Email marketing

Introduction Email marketing is popular on the condition that the receivers (71)________ the sender to use their Email address.

(72)________of email marketing ▲With only some necessary fees, it can (73)________the cost on advertising such as postal Mailings, brochures and so on.

▲The interactive room makes it (74)________for direct feedback and some avoidable losses.

▲Its (75)________makes the response rates lie over those classical mailing campaigns.

▲The (76)________data collected by email marketing help understand the information and the product offers.

▲The company can meet the needs of the target groups in a more (77)________way.

What you should do ▲Your friendly message should be the mirror of your personality to show your politeness and (78)________.

▲Speak to the (79)________and provide interesting and useful information that people care about.

▲You can provide email messages (80)________if your list has been carefully targeted.

第五部分  书面表达 (25分)

假设你是班长,你班本周末要去红军山做生态旅游(eco-travel),请结合以下文字说明,写一篇口头通知(An Announcement)。

1. 星期六早上8点在校门口集合,然后乘车去。

2. 将在红军山呆一天,星期天下午5点返回。

3. 因为在山上不坐车要走很多的路,老师要求大家穿上结实的鞋。

4. 我们将在山上观察动物和植物,做好记录,回校后,写一篇怎样更有效地保护红军山动物和植物的文章。



2. 文章字数约为150词。


21. C 点拨:less heavy表示“轻一点的”,less不能修饰比较级。used to…过去所做的。句意为:学生们发现他们的功课要比他们以前的轻一些了。

22.B 点拨:由don’t like知应该是放弃之意。

23.D 点拨:attend the university“上大学”,习惯搭配。

24.D 点拨:prepare sb. for sth.固定准备,“某人在准备某事”。此题的谓语形式根据along with前的主语而定。

25.D 点拨:keep sb. informed of…让某人随时知道……。

26.D 点拨:advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事,这里是被动结构。suggest后不能接to do。

27.B 点拨:regret doing后悔做过某事,由sad知答案。

28.C 点拨:倍数表达法,句意为:这是什么桌子呀?我从来没见过这样的东西。它的宽度还不如长度的一半!

30. C点拨:available可利用的,符合句意,即“使有限的电脑不能被每一个学生使用”。

31. C点拨: 句意为:无论我成功与否,我都会试一试。另外只有whether能和or not连用。

32. B  点拨:than usual比往常……,as usual和往常一样……,as before和以前一样,than former不存在。由题意应该是“起得比往常早”,故选B。

33. C 点拨:leave sth. in the hotel“把……忘在旅馆里了”。

34. B点拨:the most修饰的先行词后的关系代词应用that,ever表示“到目前为止”。

35. D点拨:whose family是先行词的所有格结构。

36. B点拨:考察介词词组。由第二段可知Angel患上癌症之前一直很健康。

37. D点拨:考察形容词。这里主要是谈论Angel的健康问题,再由though可知选D。

38. A点拨:考察形容词。由后面的careful以及help us…等信息可知狗听到很大的噪音很紧张。

39. A点拨:考察动词。upset使……受到惊吓,符合题意。而C项词义外延过广。

40. C点拨:考察副词。作者从Angel身上知道要设身处地为他人着想,所以这里最好选C。

41. C点拨:考察动词。由后一句slept知答案。

42. A点拨:考察副词。soundly(睡得)很香的。由后面的dream, swimming, happy等词可知选A。

43. D点拨:考察动词。由前面的moving against my leg以及后面的swim等词,这里应该是和swim,move等词表示类似的运动方向的动词。而march指(有规律地或有目的)前进。

44. C点拨:考察介词。由had taken过去完成时以及狗生病后不能同从前一样行动的常识知选C。

45. B点拨:由第三段首句watching知答案。

46. B点拨:考察名词。由第四段首句的memories以及前面的这些回忆知答案。

47. D点拨:考察动词。由前文狗在“回忆”知这里用review “回顾”更加符合题意。

48. A点拨:考察名词。前文已经提到的before her cancer days知答案。

49. C点拨:考察动词。此句和第三段的I suddenly realized对应。

50. B点拨:考察名词。前文有很多篇幅都在叙述过去和Angel度过的快乐时光,故这里应是抽出时间。

51. B点拨:考察动词。draw upon“利用”,此句大意为:这些回忆等我们老的时候会用到。并非是依靠这些回忆。

52. B点拨:考察形容词。wonderful“美好的”和后面的it is enough…照应。

53. D点拨:考察名词。由第三段的against my feet知选D。

54. A点拨:考察动词。由后面的Angel对我“说”的话知选A。

55. B点拨:考察连词。这里表示因果关系。

56. D点拨:本题是考察词义猜测题。由此段的后句face serious punishment知答案。

57. C点拨:本题是结构考察题。前三段讲的是学习上的情况,接下来两段讲的是舞会,最后三段分别讲到了体育运动、学生兼职和驾驶。故C正确。

58. A点拨:本题是推理判断题。B项,美国家长有的可能会给孩子买车作为毕业礼物,但并非是普遍的行为。C项,美国孩子即使挣到足够的钱,由于年龄不够,也不可能买车开。D项,美国高中生的兼职行为是一种自愿行为





71.allow 72. Advantages 73 save 74. likely/possible 75. convenience 76. latest 77. exact/right/precise 78. honesty 79. point 80. easily

An Announcement

Good morning, class. May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make. This weekend our class are going on an eco-travel to the Hongjun Mountain. We are supposed to meet at the school gate at 8 o’clock on Saturday morning, and then go there by bus. We are staying there for one day and coming back at five o’clock in the afternoon. Instead of taking a bus, we will do a lot of walking, so the teacher asked us to wear strong shoes. We should make notes while we are studying the animals and plants in the mountain. A short passage is expected to write after we come back to school, in which we should give some advice on how to protect the animals and plants more effectively. Don’t be late! Thank you.








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