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The new highway has joined our hometown to the city.

The Pananma Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.

(The road connects Shanghai and Suzhou.)


Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate.

The children all sleep in separate beds.

We’re sorry that you two should be separated.

England is separated from France by the English channel.

Let’s separate them into three groups.

Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.

They didn’t separate till midnight.

The good friends were glad to meet after so long a separation.

Cf:The world is divided into five continents.

You can divide the apples between you.


divide: 着重把一个整体按一定数量和大小比例分成若干份。

4.In area…the same size as/…more than 13 times as many as

China is large in area and rich in resources.中国地大物博。

The TV tower is nearly 40 metres in height. 这个电视塔几乎有40米高。

They built a fence 30 meters in length. 他们建了30米长的篱笆。

The area of Australia is 7.6 million sq.km.澳大利亚的面积大760万平方公里。


A be x times the size/height/length of B

A be x times as big/high/long as B

A be x-1 time bigger/higher/longer than B

A be bigger/higher/longer than B by x-1 times


①This room is three times the size of that one.

②This room is three times as big as that one.

③This room is twice bigger than that one.

④This room is bigger than that one by twice.



①Have you fed the baby on milk?

②Have you fed milk to the baby?

6.give birth to/be borne


①She has borne three children.

②She has given birth to three children.

7.keep out

Danger! Keep out!

They closed all windows to keep out the cold.

We put a fence round the vegetable garden to keep the chickens out.

Please keep him out of trouble while he is studying here.

Please keep the dog out of the garden.


Keep up your courage/spirits.

They can keep up their normal temperature even in very cold weather.

The old man couldn’t keep up with the other people.

Dave was not good at maths and he couldn’t keep up with the rest of the class.

They used to keep watch at the top of the tree during the war.

Keeping a diary is very important to you.

You’d better keep cool when you are in danger.

She couldn’t keep back her tears at the news.

A newspaper can keeps one in touch with the world.

Nothing can keep me from doing so.

8.round up 聚拢;征集;搜捕

The guide rounded up the tourists and took them back to the coach.


The sheepdog rounded up the sheep and drove them through the gate.





旧人教版高三英语unit 1知识点总结


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