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command             n. an order; the act of commanding 命令;指挥

The policeman gave the command to stop.   警察下令停下。

n. ability to control; mastery  控制;精通

He has a good command of English.   他英语掌握得很好。

vt. order; control 命令;指挥;控制

The policeman commanded the car to stop.   警察命令汽车停下。

set sail (from/to/for)  on a voyage 启航;扬帆

The liner set sail for New York at 8:30.  轮船在八时半启航开往纽约。

royal              adj. of or relating to a monarch.  王室的;皇家的

a royal family/palace  王室/宫         a royal house  皇家

embassy            n.[c] place where embassy people live and work  大使馆

To go to the United States, you must get a visa at the U.S. embassy.


zebra              n.[c] an African mammal related to the horse and having dark stripes on a light body  斑马

The zebra is a kind of horse that lives in Africa.   斑马是生活在非洲的一种马。

in return  in exchange  作为回报

She presented me a dictionary in return.   她送给我一本词典作为答谢。

symbolic          adj. of, relating to, or expressed by means of symbols or a symbol象征的;符号的

The dove is symbolic of peace.  鸽子象征和平。

symbolic language  符号语言

volunteer         n. someone who volunteers to do a job or to join the army  自愿者

That man is a volunteer fireman in this town.  那个人是这个镇里的志愿消防队员。

v. offer to do a job that is unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous  自愿从事

Two men volunteered to search for the missing climber.


radium            n. a chemical element that gives off rays  镭

Radioactivity is a special quality of radium.   放射性是镭的一种特性。

sum               n. an amount obtained as a result of adding numbers  总数;和

Eleven is the sum of six and five.  十一是六加五的和。

n. amount of money一笔(金额)

He paid a large sum for the house.  他出一笔巨款买了这所房子。

dam               n.[c] a barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water  水坝;堤

There are several dams across the Huai River.  淮河上有几座水闸。

bring up  look after and educate children, etc 教养;培养

I was brought up by my aunt.   我是我姑姑抚养成人的。

introduce to notice or consideration, mention  提出

Why don't you bring this up at the meeting?   你何不在会上提出这个问题?

horizon           n. line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky  地平线

The sun sank below the horizon.   太阳落到地平线以下了。

navigation        n. the act of navigating; the passage of ships, etc. over the sea, etc.  航行;航海;航空

aerial navigation  空中航行;航空  ocean navigation   远洋航行

Korea             n. peninsula in east Asia, extending south from northeast China 朝鲜;韩国

suggest           vt. give someone an idea; say that something will be possible  建议;提议  I suggested that we (should) hold a meeting tonight.  我提议我们今晚开个会。

vt. bring to mind  使人想起;暗示

Smoke suggests fire.  有烟就有火。

accomplish        vt. finish something; complete; carry out  完成;实现

You have accomplished a purpose.   你达到了目的。

apart from prep. with the exception of; besides 除…外;除…外还

Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.   除了费钱以外,还要花很多时间。

sickness          n.[u] the condition of being sick; illness 疾病

Viruses and germs cause most sicknesses.   病毒与细菌引起大部分的疾病。

n.[u] be overcome by a feeling of sickness  恶心

unable            adj. not able to do something不能的;不会的;无能为力的

He was unable to walk.  他不能走。

the Himalayas     n. 喜马拉雅山脉

sacred            adj. of god or religion; holy神圣的

A church is a sacred building.  教堂是一个神圣的处所。

Sherpa            n. 夏尔巴人(西藏的一种族)

Tibet             n. 西藏

honesty           n. the condition or quality of being honest; freedom from deceit or cheating


(prov.) Honesty is the best policy.  (谚)诚实为上策。

dedication        n.[u] the act of dedicating奉献

His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his students.


n.[c] words used in dedicating a book or other work 题献;献词

The book's dedication reads "To Mother". 本书献词写道:"献给母亲"。

ideal            adj. very best, exactly right 完美的;理想的

This place is ideal for a picnic.   这个地方野餐最理想。

refer            vi. speak about something  谈到;涉及;所指

This is not the dictionary which I referred to.  这不是我所指的那本词典。

vt. hand over to (someone) for a decision; send or direct to (someone or something) for help or action  呈交;提交

We refer the question to them.   我们把这个问题提交他们处理。

refer to  提到

Don't refer to that problem again, please.  请不要再提那个问题了。

run out           become exhausted or used up; come to the end of a supply, etc. 被用完;耗完

The aircraft will run out of fuel in another hour.   飞机再过一小时燃料就将用完。

technological      adj. 技术的

technological development  科学技术的发展

aircraft           n. machine that flies; aeroplane; helicopter 飞行器;飞机

arise              vi. happen; start发生;产生 (arose; arisen)

How did the quarrel arise?  争吵是怎样发生的?

vi. move upward; ascend  向上;上升

When I started off, the sun was arising.  我出发时太阳正在升起。

evidence           n.[u] proof; something that shows what has happened and why it has happened  证据;证明

There is no evidence that he is guilty.   没有证据证明他有罪。

chairman           n. the person who is in charge of meeting  主席;董事长

chairman of the meeting  会议主席   a bank board chairman   银行董事长

praise             vt. say that something or someone is good表扬;称赞

The teacher praised Tom for his homework.  教员表扬汤姆的家庭作业做得好。

n. the act of saying that a person or a thing is good, words expressing admiration, applause

赞美;称赞  He had a lot of praise for Tom's work. 他十分称赞汤姆的工作。

Christopher Columbus [XkristRfR kRXlVmbRs] 克里斯托佛·哥伦布(西班牙航海家)

Marco Polo [XmQkRu XpRulRu] 马可·波罗(意大利旅行家)

Ceylon             n. 锡兰(现称斯里兰卡)



旧人教版高三英语unit 1知识点总结

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