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旧人教版高三英语unit 1知识点总结



10. Clearly, we are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts. 显然,这些奇怪而不寻常的行为和事实的描述也使我们感到很开心。

① entertain: vt.款待;招待(客人);提供消遣;使高兴

e.g. Every summer they entertain the neighbors at an outdoor party. 每年夏天,他们会举办户外聚会来招待邻居们。

The magician entertained the children with a variety of tricks. 魔术师变各种各样的戏法来逗孩子们开心。

② account: n. [C] 叙述;报道;账目;银行户头

e.g. The accounts I have received of Australia are not particularly encouraging. 我所得到的关于澳大利亚的报道并不令人欢欣鼓舞。

11. The editors will decide if your idea is suitable and then send you rules and the form you need to apply for the record. 编辑们会决定是否你的想法很合适,然后会寄给你申请这个纪录所需要的规则和表格。

① suitable: adj. 合适;适合

e.g. Those shoes are not suitable for walking in the country.这鞋不适合在乡间走路。

Have you a suitable book for a young child? 你是否有适合小孩子读的书。

② apply: 申请; 应用

e.g. I applied at the local police station for a peddler’s certificate. 我在当地警察局申请了商贩执照。

12. Afterwards, if all goes well, a Guinness official will come to inspect your attempt. 之后, 如果一切进展顺利的话,吉尼斯办公室会来检查你尝试的情况。

① inspect: vt. 检查;视察

e.g. They inspected the whole house for traces of damp. 他们来检查整个房子的潮湿的证迹。

All factories and mines are inspected by government officials. 政府官员检查所有工厂和煤矿。

13. If you are successful, the official will confirm the record and you will get a certificate from The Guinness Book of World Records stating that you are a world record holder. 如果你成功了, 吉尼斯官员会确认你纪录, 而且你会得到吉尼斯世界纪录证书, 并声明你是世界纪录的保持者。

① confirm: vt. 批准;肯定

e.g. When do you think the President will confirm you in office? 你认为什么时候总统会批准你执政。

② state: vt. 陈述;声明

e.g. State your opinion of the new school rules. 请陈述你对学校新规则的看法。

The stated facts conflict with what actually happened. 这些已经说明的事实与真实发生的情况相矛盾。

14. All of our schoolmates were here, as well as many of our parents and other kids from the neighborhood. 我们的校友, 我们的父母以及来自附近的孩子们全来了

① as well as 同,和,也

e.g. It is important for you as well as for me. 这对你对我都重要。

The conflict spread everywhere, into villages, as well as into the cities. 冲突到处在蔓延, 进了村庄,也进了城市。

15. A new generation of sports is capturing the hearts and minds of people who are willing to try something new. 新一代的体育运动占据了想尝试新鲜事物的人们的所有心思。

① capture: vt. 捕获;占领;赢得

e.g. Our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive. 我们的任务是活捉许多猴子。

He captured first place in the men’s broad jump with a leap of 7.51 meters. 他以7.51米的成绩取得了男子跳远的第一名。

② be willing to 愿意做某事

e.g. She’s willing to help in any way she can. 她愿意尽可能地帮助别人。

16. These new sports are called “extreme sports” and all center on the “X-factor”---the pure joy of doing something that you didn’t think you could do and overcoming your fears. 这些新的体育运动被称作为极限运动, 所有这些运动都以难预测的因素为中心---

① center on 以…为中心。

e.g. The discussion centered on the most important question. 讨论以最重要的问题为中心。

②overcome: vt. 克服; 抑制

e.g. He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 他成功地克服了他最致命的弱点。

③ doing something that you didn’t think you could do and overcoming your fears. and 连接的并列动名词短语做of 的宾语。

17. I get excited and my hearts beats faster.

① get: link-v 变得

e.g. Hugh got engaged to her when traveling last winter. 在去年冬天的旅行中休与她订了婚。

18. Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate on the way my body moves in the air. 当时我的头脑很清醒而且全身心的投入在空中移动身体的方法上。

① concentrate on/upon 聚精会神; 集中思想

e.g. He tried to concentrate on his clinical research at the hospital. 他试图专注于医院的临床研究。

19. We don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless we know that they are skilled enough to perform it safely. 如果我们不确定他们能够熟练且安全地进行这个项目, 我们就不会让他们去尝试危险的特技表演。

① perform vt.& vi. :进行; 执行;表演;表现

e.g. One should always perform what one promises. 一个人应该履行他的诺言。

The engine performs well in cold weather. 这发动机在寒冷的天气也表现很好。

最后,希望精品小编整理的旧人教版高三英语unit 1知识点对您有所帮助,祝同学们学习进步。





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