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威廉希尔app 整理了“2015年高三英语重点知识复习指导:交际用语”,帮助广大高一学生学习英语知识!


一、打电话用语 (Making phone calls)


Can l get Jack on the phone now?

Could I speak to.

I'd like to speak to.

May I have a word with.一

Hello, David please.

Hello,is Henry in?

Is Henry there, please?


A moment, please

Hold on(a moment), please.

Hold the line, please.


This is…

Who's speaking/calling?

Who's that speaking?‘

Is that Tom?


Will you leave a message?

Shall I take a message?

二、请求允许 (Asking for permission)

-Can/Could/ May I…

-Do you mind...

-1 wonder/was wondering if..


-Certainly. /Yes, of course. /Sure.

-By all means.



一I'm afraid not.

一I'd like'o,but…

一You'd better not.

三、祝愿和祝贺 (Wishingand C0ngratulation)



All the best.(万事如意。)

Hope everything goes well.

Best wishes to you.

Good luck

Every success wlth you.

M。y you succeed.

. A1l the best with your family

—Thank you./Many thanks.

Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas.

-The same to you.

-Many happy retums of the day to you./Happy

Birthday to you.

-Thank you.


-1 congratulate you on your success/what you've


-Thank you. l'm just lucky*/lt's nothing. .

Anyone could have done it really.

四 .提供帮助 (Offer help)


_Will you have a... .

-Would you like. . .

-May l fetch you/give you. ..

-How about... (some more milk, bread, etc. )

-1 wouldn't say no.

-l can think of nothing better.

-That would be very nice. /Great. /Oh, terrific!

-Yes, just a little. /No, thanks. l'm full. /()h,

please. /Thank you, but I've had enough


-Can I help you !

-Can I be of help?

-Want some help? Need a helping hand?

-Would you like some help?

-That's nice of you. Thank you.

-Yes, please if it is not too much trouble

-No, thank& /Don't bother./Lbn't trouble/I can

manage myself.

五.建议 ( Suggestions)

-How about ..

-Do you think it would be a good...

-What do you think of...

-We'd better. . . /Let's. . . /Shall we. . .

-Why not/Why don't you...

-I'd like to. . .

-Wouldn't it. . .

-It sounds great !

-A good idea. /Wonderful. /Terrific.

-Why not?

-AII righL .

六.天气 (Talking about Weather)

-What's the weather like today? /How are the

summers here? /What's it like in summer? /

How is the weather tomorrow?

-What a lovely day, isn't it?

-Yes, it is.

-How do you like our weather?

-Very good.

七.购物 (Shopping)

-What can l do for you? /May I help you?

-I'd like a .. /I want to buy... /Could you show

me a. . . /Could I have a look at. . .

-Anything else?

-That's all. Thank you

-How much/many do you want/need?

-Just this please.

-I want something in light color/a bigger size

-How about. . .

-How much does jt cost? /How much is that

worth? / Mrhat's the price of it? /How much

. do you want for it?

-It sells at. . . / It's on sale

-Well. I'll take it

-Here is your change.

八.介绍 clntroduction)

1.自己: Let me introduce myself. I'm ..

2. 9J人: I_et me introduce. . . (to).. . This is. ..

-How do you do? Glad to know you.

-How do you do? GJad to know you, too.

九、邀请 (lnvitation)

-Would you like. . .

-How/What about. . .

-I'd like to. . .

-I'd better not.

-I'm afraid I can't. But thank you just the same.

-I'd like to, but. ..

-I'd like to. . .

-That sounds a good idea./Sounds greaL

-With pleasure.

-I'd like to. Thank you.

-That's nice of you. /lt's nice of you.

-()K. /All right.

十.告别 ( Farewell)

-I think it's time for us to leave now.

-So long./See you./Cheers! /See you around.

-Take care (of yourself).

-You, too.

-Keep in touch

-I will.

-Good luck to you.


-Have a nice trip.

-Thank you.

-Glad to have met you.

-Me, too.

十-.表示 同意和不同意 ( Expressing agreement and disagreement)

同意: Certainly./Sure /(X course

Yes, please

Yes, I think so.

That's true

All right. /OK.

That's a good idea.

agree (with you).

不同意:No,I don't think so.

'm afraid not.

really can't agree with you.

十二、表示肯定和不肯定 (Expressing certainty and uncertainty)

肯定:I'm sure.

I'm sure (that).

不肯定:I'm not sure.

I'm not sure whether/if...


十三、请求 (Requests)

请求:Can/Could you... for me?

Will/Would you please.…

May I have..

Please give/pass me...

应答:Please wait (here/a moment).

Wait (for) your turn l

Please stand in line/line up.

十四、问候 (Greetings)

问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Hello. /Hi.

How are you?

回答:Fine, thank you. And you?

Very well, thank you.

十五,遗憾和同情 (Regrets and Sympathy)

What a pity!

I'm sorry to hear.

十六,问路和应答 (Asking the way and Responses)

问路:Excuse me. Where's the men's/ladies' room?

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to...?

How can l get to.?I don't know the way.

应答(Godown this streeL

Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.

It's abouL..meters from here

十七、问时间或日期和应答 (Asking the time or date and Responses)

问日期:What day is (it) today?

What's the date today?

问时间:What time is it?

What's the time, please?

应答:It's Monday/Tuesday.,.

It's January lOtFL

lt's five o'clock/half past five/a quarter to five/five thirty.

威廉希尔app 编辑会在第一时间发布2015年高三英语相关信息,请中考生和家长们及时关注威廉希尔app 高中频道!


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