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Pooja  Dhingra should have been a lawyer. But while studying____41  at university in

Mumbai, she decided to quit her major and to something more  42  .

Remembering helping her mother in the  43   during her childhood, she decided to work

with food instead of legal cases.  So she   44    her parents to let her go to study cooking.

One day, her friends took her to one of the best macaron(杏仁小圆饼)shops in Paris.

After just one    45  ,Ms Dhingra determined that when she  46  to Mumbai she would

open her own macaron store, the first of its kind in India.

Upon graduation, she started    47    macarons in her parents' kitchen, but it was a

complete    48  .The hot and wet weather in Mumbai made it  49   to make delicious cakes.

After 60 failed   50  ,she finally got an ideal recipe.

51    being both young and female meant she faced additional__52  ."The biggest

problem was to get people to take you _53  .”she tells us. "For example,  54    I had to

buy machinery, I would have to ask my father to make these calls for me. "

However, she   55   opened her first shop in 2010. To   56   sales in a city where very.

few people knew what a macaron was, Ms Dhingra _ 57   free samples to customers. The cakes  .

were immediately popular, and sales soon took off thanks to the   58   evaluation.  .

Now, Ms Dhingra is the   59   of three busy macaron shops. She has planned to   60

her business across the country.  One newspaper article called her " the macaron queen of

India" .

41. A. design         B. law         C. literature         D. medicine

42. A. creative       B. confident    C. enthusiastic      D. effective

43. A. bedroom       B. study       C. kitchen         D. basement

44. A. reminded      B. warned      C. forgave         D. convinced

45. A. drink         B. effort       C. breath          D. bite

46. A. replied        B. traveled     C. returned        D. walked

47, A. eating        B. making     C. bringing        D. selling

48. A. comfort       B. honor      C. failure         D. success

49. A. appealing      B. difficult     C. smooth        D. available .

.   50.A. competences    B. assumptions  C. statements       D. attempts

51. A.Yet          B. Still        C.  Even           D. Just

52. A, praises       B. sacrifices    C. tasks          D. challenges

53. A. slightly       B. pleasantly    C. seriously        D. peacefully   '

54. A. if'          B. after       C. though         D. unless

55. A. eventually      B. suddenly    C. eagerly         D. unwillingly .

56. A. check        B, promote     C. ban           D. decrease

57. A. put away         B. smoothed away C. cleared away   .    D. gave away

58. A. negative      B. positive     C. plain          D. critical

59. A. customer   '  B. inventor     C. driver          D. owner

60. A. expand       B. sell        C. abandon        D. protect






I was nine years old when I learnt to ride a bike. The bike was a birthday present from my

uncle. You can imagine how   61    (excite)I was when I saw the bike, and I begged my

uncle to teach me how  62  (ride) it right away.  However, before I got on the bike ,I felt

63   (extreme)  nervous and l was afraid that l would fall off and hurt  64  (me). My

uncle held onto the seat and helped me to get   65  the bike. While l was riding, he was

running along beside me, holding the seat so I would not fall over .I was so  66  (grate) to

him for his help.

As  I was practicing ,  I became more and more confident. Then,  I heard my uncle

shouting, "You are riding it by yourself now !"I was both excited and scared .I was really

riding by myself, but  67  if I fell off? Could I use the brakes to stop? As I was wondering

about this, my uncle ran after me and got hold of the bike . I  68  (slow) down and came to

a stop. N1y heart was still beating fast when I got off the bike.    69  that day, having learnt

how to get on the bike and get off it ,I felt like l was walking on air! I am still thankful to my

uncle for teaching me to ride a bike on my    70  (nine) birthday.










As I watched', Eggy sat  back down on her chair,  she took up his history book.  But

although she tried to read them, and much as she tried to concentrate, her eyes kept glanced

up at those old photographs. There was photographs of me on my own and some photograph of

the two of us together.  There was also the photo of when Eggy was small and when l was only a

baby-maybe I'd even just been born in.  In the photo Eggy was holding me, under Dad's help,

while Mum looked rather nervously, as if worried that Eggy might, drop me.


假定你是一名来自中国的交换生李平,现在英国学习。你从网站上了解到Ms. Wilson







Dear Ms. Wilson,

My friend and I are very interested in the house you advertised on the website.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ping






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