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1—5CACBB 6—10BAACC  11—15CBACB 16—20AACBA


21-25 BCBAD  26-30 ACCDB  31-35 ABDCA


36-40 AEBDC


41-45 ADCBA 46-50 BBDCA 51-55 BDDBA 56-60 BDCAD


61. what  62. pretending/who pretend  63. it   64. as   65. a

66. truly  67. from      68. to stage  69.successes  70. released/which was


A discussion about hiking had been held in our class. Some students think that hiking during


vacations can make people feel healthier, fresher or more harmonious with the nature. They find


themselves deep attracted by the beauty of nature. They can also be relaxing by walking in deep

deeply                                        relaxed

mountains. But nowadays some hikers even begin to explore the places people have ever been to,


and accidents have happened now and then because∧a poor knowledge of hiking. Some hikers


even lost their life. The other students in our class think it not safe to organize so dangerous

lives                                              such

activities. They make suggestions what laws should be passed and hikers should be trained before


they attend the activities.

书面表达A Possible Version:

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as a volunteer for the International Youth Games in 2015.

As a senior high school student, I’m crazy about English and practice speaking En glish in everyday life. For example,  I often chat with some foreign net-pals, which really contributes to my fluency in oral English. Besides, I’m open-minded, quick in thought and fond of social practice, which I think is a quality that a qualified volunteer should have. Above all, being a native of the city, I do know a lot about its history and culture. So I’m sure that the foreigners will appreciate my sincere service and enjoy their stay in our city. I would appreciate it if my application could be granted. And I’ll spare no effort to ensure everyone’s satisfaction

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua



21. B 推理判断题。 由第一段中的but the weak economy does not scare Nancy MacMullen, a   shoemaker on the island. A look around her Oak Bluffs workshop will tell you why: it is  overrun these days with queued shoes 及第二段中的People are fixing things rather than  buying new stuff 可知, 修鞋铺生意火爆是因为经济衰退,人们为了省钱选择修鞋而不 是买新鞋。

22. C细节理解题。 由第三段中 “They’re cutting costs with the materials. More lightweight  manufacturing,” Ms. MacMullen said. “I think these designers make shoes for carpeted  offices in office buildings.” 可知,Ms. MacMullen 在抱怨设计鞋的人,对他们表示不满。

23. B细节理解题。 由倒数第二段中的 It gets really busy in the fall, with people pulling out  their shoes after summer 可知,秋天修鞋铺的生意火爆。


24. A 猜测词意题 根据语境及下文 if you are not careful enough 可以推断画线部分的意思 是“处在劣势”。

25. D细节理解题 根据第四段第二句Listing your home at or slightly below the market price  can have the effect of drawing in a large group of buyers and increase the chances that a  home will receive multiple (many) offers. 可知道答案。

26. A细节理解题 根据第四段中 people might assume there is something wrong with the home  and may not bother to look at it. 可知,人们可能认为房子有问题觉得没有必要花时间去  看一下。

27. C 推理判断题 根据第五段 figure out where your home should fit in the range of the price.   可知答案是C。

电影和音乐的关系密切,音乐对于电影影响重大,本文描述了电影制作者如何用音乐来 渲染气氛

28. C 主旨大意题 文章开头总写电影和音乐密切关系,音乐对电影影响重大,接着用大篇  幅描写电影制作者怎样应用音乐来渲染气氛,第四段中的”dissonant tones and noises” 以 及第六段中的”infrasound”等。所以答案是C

29. D词义猜测题 第二段中的 “In movies, music helps to provide a sense of time and place,  convey ideas about the characters and, most importantly, draw emotions out of the audience.”  文中提到音乐为电影提供时间地点场景,传达人物感情,最重要是调动观众的情绪。由 此判断intertwine 是”紧密联系”的意思。

30. B 细节理 解题 通过第四段的 “The use of dissonant(不协调的) tones and noises is another  technique that heighten tensions. Humans natura lly became uneasy when we hear dissonant  sounds” 可知,刺耳的噪音可以引起观众的恐惧。

31. A 细节理解题 根据最后一段的 “While we may not be able to h ear it because its frequency  is below that range of the human ear, infrasound has been proven to cause anxiety, shivering  (颤抖) and even sorrow.” 可知,次声波可能不会被听到,因为它的频率低于人的听力范 围。


32. B 推理判断题B 通过文章整体的阅读可以知道,本文主要讲如何处理机场延误行李  的问题,根据文中 “For information regarding your delayed baggage, contact the United   Airlines Baggage Resolution Center at its 24 hour, seven days a week”可知,本文极可能是 Baggage Resolution Center 发布的信息。

33. D 细节理解题 根据文中 “Our Baggage Resolution staff will make every effort to call you  once a day to keep you updated on our progress.” 可知工作人员将每天通过电话联系乘 客,让他们及时了解处理的进展。

34. C推理判断题 根据文章最后附的行李延误报告单可推知,John Jackson已经提交了延误  报告。

35. A写作意图题(主旨大意)本文主要指导顾客如何从航空公司的行李延误处理中心取



为什么有人习惯用右手,有人习惯用左手,还有人左右手都很擅长?目前这个问题还没有明确的答案。文 章给出了目前存在的几种理论。


36.A 上句Why?为提出的问题,本句应对此进行回应。A项中的question 与之呼应,意为“但是还没有足够的证据来回答这个问题。”

37.E 本句位于段落句首,应指出Old Theories是什么,E项意为“在过去左撇子被认为是脑部受伤的一种标志。”,符合语境。

38.B 生物学理论认为大脑不同的区域具有不同的能力,B项谈到了这个问题, 意为“因为大部分人的左脑处理语言,故大部分人都擅长使用右手。”故B项符合语境。

39.D shield 为关键词。因为心脏在左边,所以用左手持盾会更好地保护自己。 D项意为“有人指出根据山洞里的图画可看出,在人类使用盾牌之前,大部分人都用右手。”

40.C 有人宣称左撇子比使用右手的人更具有创造性,并列举了很多位左撇子的名人,如达芬奇、爱因斯坦等。 C项意为“如果只是实事的话,会有助于得出答案”。故选C。



41. A 根据下文中it seem like she was always leaning forward to examine something 可知,祖   背是驼(bent)的。

42. D根据文中的 trying to keep up(努力跟上)可知,作者跟不上祖母的步伐,因此选择

breathlessly(气喘吁吁)。Aimlessly “漫无目的地”; randomly“随意地”;carelessly“漫不  经心地。

43. C根据上下文理解可知,此处祖母总是greet(问候)她见到的人。

44. B根据后面列举的问候语可知,此处指的是惯常的问候语。usual “惯常的,通常的”,符


45. A根据本句中的again可知选择same, 表示遇到同一个人。

46. B根据空后的similarly及下文的内容可知,此处指的是人们也会用同样的方式作出回应  (respond)。

47. B根据前文中的 when I was young 可知,应该选择immature(未成熟的,未成人的),所以


48. D 根据下文 what I now realize is that the greetings strengthened…可知,此处指的是小时候  作者认为这些问候都是滑稽的废话,同时又是在没有必要(unnecessarily)地浪费时间。

49. C据句中bound the people(把人们联结起来)可知应该选择connections(联系)。

50. A 根据全文的内容可知,此处这样一个问候使得人们又归属感(a sense of belonging)。

51. B 根据上下文可知祖母问候不是随意而为,而是有意为之,因此选择deliberate “故意的,  有意的”。

52. D 根据语境可知,此处作者相信那些问候不单单是出于礼貌。Manners “礼貌,礼节”。

53. D 根据上下文 stopping可知,应该选择pause “暂停”。 指问候就像是在我们日常生活   所充斥的噪音之间按下了暂停键。

54. B 根据语境可知,此处指在我们从家里匆忙赶往工作场所的时候。rush “冲,匆忙”。

55. A 根据语境可知,此处指去接送孩子。空白处应该和drop off(让..下车)的意思相反,故   而pick up 符合句意。

56. B 此处意思为停下车去辨认你前面的人,好像简单地说一句“我看到你了”。

57. D 参见上题解析。 simply “简单地,仅仅”

58. C 祖母教育(educate)作者,在干正事(business)之前总会有时间去问候别人。

59. A 参见上题解析。

60. D 根据上下文语境可知,此处指的是我们承认彼此的独特的存在(presence)时,作者  相信我们能够使我们的社会更加充实、丰富。


Text 1

W: Waiter, can you come here for a second, please?

M: What’s the problem, ma’am?

W: This soup is cold.

M: I’m sorry.I’ll bring you some hot soup.

Text 2

M: Have you got any plans for New Year’s Day?

W: I’ve been invited over to my friend’s house.

Text 3

M: How do you like this suit for your new job?

W: Well, the style is fine. But you might need to reconsider the choice of color.

Text 4

W: Isn’t Mary a beautiful bride?

M: Yes, she is,indeed.John looks very happy, too.

Text 5

M: Maria, do you think it’s useful to study English abroad?

W: Certainly.But it costs too much.In fact, if we do our best, we can also become great English speakers in our country.

Text 6

M: Uh… you just called the police.Before we can help you, we need to check on a couple of things.Could you describe the man who robbed you in the street in a bit more detail, please?

W: Yes. ⑥He had dark skin and short brown hair.

M: Did you notice his clothing?

W: Uh… ⑦he was wearing a white T-shirt but I can’t remember what his trousers looked like.

M: Was he wearing jeans?

W: Let me think… Oh, I don’t remember at all.

M: OK.And he looked old?

W: No, very young.I think he is in his twenties.

M: Well,fine.If you remember any other information, please tell us immediately.We’ll contact you in the near future.

W: OK.Thank you very much.

Text 7

M: May, you’ll never guess who I met at the cafeteria.Julia Swan.

W: You mean our former monitor in high school?

M: Yes.

W: How is she doing? I still remember how excellent she was as chairman of the Students’ Union.

M: She graduated from Fudan University and then got her master’s degree at Stanford University and found a job i n an accounting company in New York after graduation. ⑧But she quit her job several months ago and moved back to Shanghai.

W: Oh, why?

M: She said she was bored with working under high pressure and she wanted to make a contribution to our country.

W: So what is she doing now?

M: She gives art lessons at Fudan University, her old school.And  ⑨she asked us to visit her if we are free.

W: Oh, I’d love to.

Text 8

W: Hello, this is Canon Camera Company in Beijing.Good morning! What can I do for you?

M: Well, I am making this phone call to complain about a digital camera made by your company.

W: What is the problem with it?

M: ⑩The screen always goes black.

W: Could you tell me how long this has been happening?

M: It started a week ago.

W: Then is it still under guarantee?

M: (11)Yes, I bought it only a month ago.

W: OK.Can you tell me where you bought it and the type of camera?

M: I bought it in Xidan Shopping Market.Its model number is IXUS210.

W: OK.You can bring it to our repair center to let the staff look at it first.If there is a problem with the camera, you can have it replaced or get a refund.

M: Where is your repair center?

W: It’s at 1553 Palace Street, on t he seventh floor. (12)We apologize for causing you trouble.[

Text 9

W: Hello, Sunshine Flowers Shop.This is Sharon speaking.

M: This is Tom Hanks. (16)I’d like to order some flowers for my mother and have them sent to her apartment.

W: Fine, Mr.Hanks.What kind of flowers do you want?

M: (13)I’d like to send a dozen red carnations.

W: A dozen red carnations? Our long?stem red carnations are selling for 12 pounds a dozen this week and they are really quite nice.

M: All right then.I’ll take those.

W: I need your complete address, Mr.Hanks.

M: (14)The address is No.84, MW Street. For the card, just write something simple. (16)How about “Dear Mom, all my love,  Tom.”?

W: Of course.OK, when should they arrive?

M: They should be there before 5:00 in the afternoon on June, 17th.My mom’s telephone number is 8456-086-363. (15)Please call her first before you deliver them.

W: That should be no problem.Just one more question, Mr.Hanks.How do you intend to pay for it?

M: You can put it on my visa card.The number is KH3272645.

W: Got it.Bye.

M: Bye.Thanks.

Text 10

M: Good morning everyone.This is radio 4QR, Alan Parker speaking.We all know how harmful it is to the environment to throw rubbish away and not recycle, but many of us don’t do anything about it!

Here’s your chance to make a difference! (18)Next Saturday, eighteenth of July, you are all welcome to the first recycling campaign in our town! Riverside Elementary School is hosting an all-day recycling event.

(17)(18)It will begin in the school yard at 10:00 in the morning. You will learn about the benefits of recycling and discover easy ways of recycling household products as well as have fun with special competitions and games! (19)Don’t forget to bring as much paper, plastic, glass and aluminum cans as you can in order to put them in the special recycling bins arranged for the day.

To participate, just turn up! (20)If you would like more information,call 1800-324-567. Remember, every step counts when it comes to looking after the environment.See you there!






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