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高三英语必修5Unit3练习题及答案:Life in the future




一、Write the key words or phrases from memory. (默写重点单词与词组)10分

1.talk of 2.goods 3.majority 4.industry 5.out of work 6.throughout

7.glasshouse 8.central 9.possibility 10.labor force 11.convenient

12.videophone 13.fax 14.transportation 15.wing 16.belief 17.possession

18.satisfy 19.practical 20.keep fit

二、Word spelling(单词拼写)10分

1.majority 2.convenient 3.skills 4.computers 5.trust 6.meanwhile

7.industries 8.construction 9.satisfied 10.Wealth

三、Rewrite the following sentences(句型转换)5分

1.is possible that 2.surprised at 3.the news that 4.be likely to be made

5.produce energy from

四、Multiple choice(单项选择)15分

1.C in which=where, 这里是定语从句。

2.B 这里用过去分词表示“被锁在书房”。

3.C take a bus/train/car 表示“乘坐汽车/火车”。

4.B I’ll take it 表示“我要了/我买了”。

5.B “see off”表示“送行”。

6.A 当主语从句 what a dictionary does有 does时,表语中的动词不定式中的 to 可省略。

7.A even if 表示“即使”result in 表示“导致”。

8.B toward evening 表示“将近傍晚”; a heavy rain 表示“一场大雨”。


10.C be to do sth. 表示“按计划、安排做…”;be about to do sth. 后不能带时间状语。

11.C 前一句是一般现在时,后一句是过去时。

12.C 这里要注意if/whether的区别,介词后面要用whether引导宾语从句而不用if。

13.B at times表示“有时候”,相当于sometimes。

14.A 这里是同位语从句 that引导。

15.B 这里也是同位语从句 that引导。

五、Cloze test. (完形填空)20分

1.D wander指“漫无目的地走”。一个醉汉偶然地进入斗牛场,应选这个词。

2.A crowd指“人群”,这里指“观众”。

3.C 因喝醉了,没有“认识到”危险。

4.C at the time“当时”,“此时”。

5.C catch sight of“看见”。

6.A wear表示穿戴的状态。

7.A forget about为短语。

8.A 这里应有一种“变化”的过程,即从原来看斗牛时的喊叫,到突然闯进一个醉汉的惊讶,故应使用grew。

9.B make sure of意为“对……有把握”。


11.D aside(副词)“到旁边”。

12.D 一个醉汉也能作出一个职业斗牛士的动作,观众哪能不“突然欢呼起来”?

13.D bowed 是指向观众鞠躬,这是一个“专业”动作,故选D。

14.B by作“到……时就已经”解,常和完成时连用。

15.C 斗牛场大都是圆形,ring便指斗牛场。


17.C 这位勇士被强行拉走,观众肯定会感到扫兴,这头牛也对这情景而遗憾,故用even一词。

18.D look on“旁观”。

19.D “同情地看着,直到看不见为止”。

20.B 根据主句与从句两个动作所发生的先后顺序,应选before。

六、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)10分

1.B 见文中第二句。

2.C 见文中第三句。

3.C 见文中 You see, everyone can draw a line. Although it is simple, it’s not so easy for those who don’t know where to draw the line.

4.A 见文中最后一句 One dollar for drawing a line sounds reasonable(合情合理)but the $29 999 is exactly(确切地)the value(价值)of knowledge.

5.B 见第一句 Some people remember things by writing notes to themselves.

6.A 见文中 Most of the time I lose them or forget to look at them until it’s too late.


8.C 见句子However, sometimes an alarm clock goes off and I don’t know what it means. I always remember setting it, but not why I set it.



七、Error correction(短文改错)

1.seems→seem 2.All→Both 3.sit→sitting 4.√ 5.去掉of 6.free→freedom

7.him后加to 8.use后加the 9.dozen→dozens 10.Not→No

八. Guided writing(书面表达)20分

Studying English for the 2008 Olympic Games

The 27th Olympic Games was closed. The number of golden medals of China is 28.What a great number for all the Chinese people. Especially in Beijing, many old people said they were going to study English from ABC.

The result of the Olympic Games of 2000 encouraged them to study English for the Olympic Games of 2008.They love their country though they are getting old.

We are young, even old people can come to study from ABC, what should we do? In order to build our country more and more beautiful, stronger and stronger, we also should study English hard.



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