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Part 3 Multiple Choice

1. Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer _________ himself LiQiang.

A. called   B. calling  C. to call  D. call

2. When the wind blew the kite, it was ______________ high into the sky.

A. carried up   B. taken up   C. carrying up   D. taking up

3. She ____________ the path as the trees around her became thicker.

A. lost sight of   B. caught sight of   C. lost sight   D. caught sight

4. ______________ from the heart trouble for years, he has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

A. Suffered  B. Suffering   C. Having suffered  D. Being suffered

5. Though ________ money, his parents managed to send him to school.

A. lacked   B lacking of    C. lack of  D. lacking

6. One island and two lakes _______________ the country.

A. make up  B. makes up of  C. is made up of  D. consists of

7. ___________ in her skirt, the little girl tried to make herself ___________ at the party.

A. Dressed; notice  B. Dressing; noticed  C. Dressed; noticed  D. Dressing; noticing

8. There _______ nothing to talk about, everyone in the room remained silent.

A. was     B. had     C. being       D. having

9. He is the only one of the students who _________________ a winner of scholarship for three years.

A. is    B. are   C. have been    D. has been

10. She was glad to have a comfortable chair ________________.

A. sit   B. to sit   C. sitting  D. to sit in

11. The university wants its undergraduates to _______ a regional language, if time permits

A. take up       B. take after         C. take on     D. take over

12. Generally speaking, when_______ according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.

A. taken    B. taking    C. to take    D. to be taken

13. Information has been published_______ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

A. which    B. what    C. that    D. when

14. In the traffic accident, his father came close to________ .

A. be killed    B. being killed    C. kill    D. killing

15. There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _______ trouble.

A. making     B. to make     C. to have made   D. having made

Part 4 Proof reading

It is bad manners in the classroom to look for what our          76. __________

neighbor had written, or try to see what mark he has received        77. __________

without being permitted. It is good manners for them to help         78. __________

each other if we have the same desire and the teacher allows to it.     79. __________

In examinations and in certain kinds of written work, it is dishonest    80. __________

and foolishly to help or to ask help from others. When one student     81. __________

does so, much larger values are destroying. One may not agree        82. __________

to examination system, but at present it is basically the only          83. __________

measure that the teacher and the rest of the world can depend to       84. __________

decide if or not each of us meets the requirement.                   85. __________

Part 5 Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

The elephant is the largest of all the animals that live on land. Its size is its most noteworthy--and striking--feature and after that, I suppose, its trunk. An elephant's trunk is rather like an arm and a hand: it is used to pick up and put things in its mouth. It is also used to draw up water: either to drink or for the purpose of washing. Then we might note its skin, which is thick and almost hairless, and finally its tusks. These--the tusks, that is—are in fact teeth, which it uses for cutting. I will just mention those points again: its size, trunk (rather like an arm and a hand), skin (thick and hairless), and tusks.

Elephants are gregarious (群居的)--that is to say, they live in herds--herds which number from about fifty to a hundred. The head of the herd is usually a female elephant, not a male. Elephants travel slowly, rarely going faster than fifteen to twenty miles an hour at the most, and when they move from one forest to another, they often travel in single column.

Despite their size, elephants, surprisingly, are timid animals, although the male elephant can be fierce and even dangerous. They are not considered to be intelligent, but they do have good memories, and for that reason they can be trained and put to work, as we shall see below. They have a strong sense of smell, but they do not see or hear well. As for how long elephants live, this is not known exactly, but the general belief is that they are long-lived. In the wild, for example, elephants live for about fifty years, and in captivity (囚禁) they live for even longer periods.

Elephants are vegetarian. They live mostly on grass, leaves and fruit. They are especially fond of bamboo shoots, for example, but they also eat the twigs and bark of trees. The quantity of food and water which they consume is enormous, and they can be very destructive in their search for food, in fact.

1. This passage is digested from __

A. a magazine story                 B. a piece of newspaper news

C. a notebook passage               D. a listening article

2. What part of the elephant will be used when it wants to take a shower?

A. Hand.         B. Trunk.        C. Teeth.        D. Tusks.

3. The second paragraph of the passage tells us __

A. how the elephant lives in the forests

B. how the elephant moves from one forest to another

C. what is the main characteristic of the elephants

D. how long the elephant can live

4. Which of the following descriptions about the elephant is NOT true?

A. Although elephants are the largest of all the animals that live on land, they aren't bold.

B. Although the male elephant can be fierce and even dangerous, the head of the herd is usually a female elephant.

C. Although elephants have a strong sense of smell, they do not see or hear well.

D. Although some elephants live in the wild, their lives are longer than those in captivity.

5. Which of the following topics about the elephant is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A. Their body feathers.              B. Their living habits.

C. Their living habitats.              D. Their food.

Passage 2

Bullies are a big problem in schools. Every week, many children are afraid to go to school. They are afraid they will be played jokes on by a bully. One study found that 52% of children reported being bullied at least once a week. Sixty percent say that they know someone who could harm them. One student was always being joked because he was short. He didn't like to go to school because he had to face the bullies.

Some children choose not to go to school at all so they can avoid the bullies. When they miss school, students fall behind their classmates. A new program is helping put an end to this problem. The program is teaching kids how to deal with bullies. This is helping more children feel safe in school.

One school principal is working to end this negative behavior. Last year, he decided to let students know bullying is not allowed there. Students are now encouraged to report bullies and stand up for themselves. Those found to be bullies face harsh penalties (处罚). Students at his school participate in a program called "Be Bold". In this program, students work together to prevent violence. They do skits and go into classrooms to talk about the problem. They give other students strategies (策略) on how to deal with bullies.

The principal says that the school has changed since he has addressed the bullying problem. But there are other steps parents can take to help their children with this problem. First, students and their parents should know the school's rules about bullying and what they should do if it happens. Second, children should be taught to stand up for themselves. They should try to resolve issues by talking them out. If the problem continues, parents and children should record each incident. Children should tell someone if they are being joked. Many children keep bullying a secret.

Parents should look for warning signs of bullying. These can include cuts and bruises (瘀伤), worrying, wanting to stay home from school, or a sudden drop in grades.

6. What's the topic of the Fast paragraph?

A. Bullies are a big problem in schools.

B. Some students didn't go to school because they had to face the bullies.

C. Most students are being bullied at least once a week.

D. The bullies in the campus are out of control.

7. When they miss      , students fall behind in their studies.

A. their mother       B. school    C. breakfast         D. their classmates

8. The bullies in school can mainly solved by

A. the principal's address                 B. the parents' measures

C. the students' talking them out           D. harsh penalties

9. How can the parents know whether their children are bullied at school?

A. By keeping in touch with their teachers.  B. By telephoning the principal.

C. By asking the children themselves.      D. By searching warning signs of bullying.

10. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. A bully is a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to Smaller or weaker people.

B. The best way to avoid the bullies is to miss school.

C. The school has taken some active measures to avoid the behavior of bully.

D. It's not only the responsibility of school to fight with bullies.


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