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5. They woke up _______everything around ______

A found changed  B finding changed  C to find changing  D to find changed

6. Do you think _____ true that _______is hard work that leads to success?

A it; it  B it ;what  C that; it  D what which

7.To understand the grammar of the sentence you must break it___ into parts.

A down B up C off  D out

8.Come and see me whenever _______.

A you are convenient        B you will be convenient

C it is convenient to you     D it will be convenient to you

9. He sent me an e-mail,_____ to get further information.

A hoped   B hoping   C to hope    D hope

10.-I saw your son fighting with another boy this morning.-________!It couldn’t be Tom. He has gone to America with his father.

A Not so  B suppose not  C You must be mistaken  D Probably not

11._______this book and tell me what you think of it.

A look through   look on  C look into  D look up

12. John Snow was well known doctor,--so famous, indeed, that he _______Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.

A looked after    B attended   C took care of    D accompanied

13.The first theory suggested that cholera ______in the air without reason.

A multiply    B multiplies  C multiplied  D multiplying

14. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

A  make up  B consisted of  C  consist in  D consists of

15.England is the largest of the four countries and ___________it is divided roughly into three zones.   A in convenience   B with convenience  C for convenience  D at convenience

16. __________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.  A. Having lost    B. Lost      C. Being lost      D. Losing

17 -- What are you going to do this afternoon?

-- I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _______ quite early, so we  _________ to the bookstore after that.

A. finished; are going     B. finished; go    C. finishes; are going  D. finishes; go

18.-- You've left the light on. -- Oh, I have. ________ and turn it off.

A. I'll go      B. I've gone      C. I go        D. I'm going

19.He kept his mouth _________and stayed where he was.

A shutting   B to shut   C being shut    D shut

20.When I said somebody stupid I was not _________to you.

A referring to  B refering to  C referred to   D referred to

21. He was born in ______,and now he is in ________

A his 1950s; his fifties  B the 1950’s; his fifties  C the 1950s;the fifties  D the 1950s;thefifties

22.Peter had his gas and electricity ______when moved to a new apartment last month.

A turning on B turned on C to turn on D turn on

23. -- Did you have a good time at the party? -- Thanks. I appreciated _________ to your home.

A. to be invited        B. being invited    C. to have invited      D. having invited

24 We visited the factory ________ makes 80 percent of the toys in the city.

A. where     B. there          C. in which     D. which

25 He felt that he_______ the coldness that had grown between them.

A. was blamed to     B. was to blame for  C. was to be blamed for    D. blamed

Unit 2 The united Kingdom


1 clarify  2 united 3 connected 4 convenience 5 influenced 6. consists 7 divide 8 puzzling 9 debated 10 union 11 relations 12 legally 13 attraction 14 collection 15 project 16 arrangements 17 wedding 18 sightseeing 19 available 20 delights 21 uniform 22 splendid23 uniform 24 Statue 25 thrilled 26 smart 27 consistent 28 tense 29 error 30 suggestions


Unit 2 1-5BBAAD 6-10AACBC 11-15ABCDC 16-20BCADA 21_25BBBDB



高三必修五人教版英语Unit2练习题:The united Kingdom

高三英语必修五人教版unit2单元练习:The United Kingdom 


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