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1、The use of several senses gives the brain more connections and associations, making it easier ______ information later, which assists memory and learning.

A.find B.finding C.found  D.to find

2、I have learned a lot about Asian customs, ______ in the small village for three years in the early 1990s.

A.lived B.to live

C.having lived D.to have lived

3、Successful people make a plan to deal with each new problem rather than denying or ______ that it exists.

A.realizing B.praying C.judging D.ignoring

4、Children are not born with their habits already _______.

A.to make B.to be made C.making D.Made

5、It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ______ by my head teacher why I was late for school.

A.questioning B.having questioned

C.questioned D.to be questioned

6、There are about 85% of adults _______ the idea of a ban on smoking.

A.welcome B.to welcome

C.welcomed  D.welcoming

7、He spared no efforts to make himself _______ but failed.

A.understand B.understanding C.understood  D.to understand

8、—Where is he exactly?

—I don’t know, but I saw him _______ an experiment in the lab when I passed by.

A.to conduct  B.conducted

C.conducting D.conduct

9、The houses for the low-income families _______ at present in our city will be completed next year.

A.to be built B.built

C.being built D.having been built

10、If you want to get your ability ______, you have to show it in your work rather than complain all day.

A.to recognize  B.recognizing

C.being recognized  D.recognized

11、一Can I have the document right now?

一Of course.Wait a minute and I ’ll have my secretary       it for you.

A.to print B.printing

C.printed D.print

12、It happens that I am quite familiar with the professor _______ to give us a speech on environmental protection next Monday.

A.inviting B.to be invited

C.being invited D.having invited

13、The pipes have oil or water inside them, which is heated and sent to the storage tank until ______ to produce electricity.

A.needed B.needing

C.to need D.having needed

14、Having manners shows good character, consideration and respect for others, taking you where degrees and money cannot and ______ a better world.

A.taking over B.adapting to

C.making for  D.fitting into

15、____ out how to put our furniture or we'll have to wait for another week to move in.

A.Figuring B.To figure

C.Figure D.Figured

16、____carefully for a long time,the opening was a great success

A.To have been prepared

B.Having been prepared

C.To be prepared

D.Being prepared

17、We will have six-day holiday during the coming APEC meetings    traffic on the roads.

A.to ease B.easing

C.ease D.having eased

18、________ around the Water Cube,we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest.

A.Having shown B.To be shown

C.Having been shown D.To show

19、_____in the sports world,a sportsman needs to train constantly to keep himself in best condition.

A.Survive B.Surviving

C.To survive D.Survived

20、Passers-by rescued a motorcycle driver ______ under a burning car.

A.was trapped B.trapping

C.having trapped D.trapped

21、______ the sight was impressive on the top of the mountain, I made an effort to climb onto it.

A.To know B.Know

C.Known D.Knowing

22、Some countries have banned smoking in public places ______ public health.

A.improve B.to improve

C.improving D.improved

23、_______Wuhu with Shanghai,to be frank,and you’ll find it’s more convenient to live in the former.

A.To compare B.Comparing

C.Compare D.Compared

24、--How can I make progress in my study,Sir?

--_______ an effective learner,you should find some good approaches.

A.Being B.Having been

C.To have been D.To be

25、An investigation group ___________ five men and two women has been sent to the spot to look into the matter.

A.consists of B.is consisted of

C.consisting of D.consisted of

26、Difficult as part of the passage was ________, I managed to catch hold of its meaning in the end.

A.understanding  B.to be understood

C.to understand D.being understood

27、China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, ________ its military power on an unprecedented scale.

A.displayed B.displaying

C.to display  D.having displayed

28、Millions of people around the world suffer from a painful addiction to biting their nails,which can be harder________than smoking cigarettes.

A.to be quitted B.to quit

C.to have quitted D.to quitting

29、If you go to the wildlife park,you will find the places there more dangerous than commonly__________

A.supposing B.suppose

C.to suppose D.supposed

30、_____ the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up early.

A.Catching B.Caught

C.Catch D.To catch






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