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26. — Why didn’t you chat with that friendly foreigner just now?

— I’d like to, but the trouble was _______ he said was difficult for me to understand.

A. what which      B. that what        C. that that     D. what that

27. If I have any further news, you will be the first person ______.

A. to know      B. known      C. knowing  D. knew

28. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _______ up to half will be from abroad.

A. in which        B. for whom        C. with which     D. of whom

29. After walking in the Shanghai World Expo for a whole day, my legs _________ under me and I couldn’t walk any farther.

A. gave up         B. gave out        C. gave in         D. gave away

30. People from all over the world ________China on the successful launch of Tiangong-1.

A. celebrated      B. greeted      C. congratulated    D. enjoyed

31. Nuclear ______ be really dangerous at times even though it’s a nice energy in general.

A. shall      B. can        C. should       D. must

32. Only when ________ to explain ____ the reason for this.

A. did he start; she realized         B. he started; did she realize

C. did he start; she had realized     D. he started; had she realized

33. It was raining hard, but by the time the class was over, the rain _______.

A. had stopped  B. was stopping  C. stopped      D. would stop

34. _______ to find a job after graduation from college, he had to depend on his parents for a living.

A. Being not able  B. Not being able  C. To be not        D. Not to be

35. Usually there might be a lot of accidents in the heavy fog. I happened to witness ______ this morning.

A. it             B. those         C. one            D. that

第二节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Face adversity(逆境 )with a smile

I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route.He replied, "You mean ___36___." He explained that I should be glad of the   37   exercise that the hill provided.

My  38  to the hill has now changed.I used to  39  as I approached it but now I tell myself the following.This hill will exercise my heart and lungs.It will help me to  40  and get fit.It will mean that I live longer.This hill is my friend. 41   , I have a smile of  42  as I reach the top of the hill.

Problems are there to be faced and  43  .We cannot achieve anything with a/an  44  life.Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to  45  an University degree.She wrote, "Character cannot be  46  in ease and quiet.Only through  47  of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

One of the main  48  of success in life is our attitude towards adversity.At times we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. 49  we cannot choose the adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.

Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated(截肢)following a flying accident.He was  50  to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces(擅长的人).He was a/an  51  to others during the war.He said, "Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that.That's nonsense. 52  your mind, and you'll never  53  crutches(拐杖)or a stick, then have a go at everything.Go to school, join in all the games you can.Go  54  you want to.But never, never let them   55  you that things are too difficult or impossible."

36.A.straightly     B.fortunately  C.carefully    D.quickly

37.A.abundant    B.proper    C.extra       D.necessary

38.A.attitude    B.access       C.entrance    D.affection

39.A.climb     B.confuse    C.comment     D.complain

40.A.put on weight  B.gain weight  C.lose weight   D.take my weight

41.A.Gradually    B.Finally    C.Rarely   D.Approximately

42.A.satisfaction   B.devotion     C.decoration   D.caution

43.A.understood   B.clarified      C.defeated     D.overcome

44.A.tough       B.difficult      C.easy          D.reasonable

45.A.gain         B.accept      C.accomplish  D.admire

46.A.founded      B.produced    C.constructed  D.developed

47.A.happiness    B.experiences  C.difficulties   D.pressures

48.A.emphasis       B.conflicts     C.factors     D.powers

49.A.While       B.As          C.Because     D.If

50.A.devoted      B.determined  C.commanded  D.forced

51.A.appreciation  B.qualification  C.inspiration   D.destination

52.A.Open up       B.Make up    C.Come to     D.Come into

53.A.reject       B.deliver      C.abandon    D.use

54.A.anywhere     B.everywhere  C.nowhere     D.somewhere

55.A.advise       B.attempt      C.request    D.persuade

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




I was 15 months old, a happy carefree (无忧无虑的) kid, until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a piece of glass that cut my eye badly. My mom found a doctor who knew that if the eye were removed, my face would look ugly, so my scarred (有疤痕的), sightless, cloudy gray eye lived on with me.

Sometimes people asked me embarrassing questions. When kids played games, I was always the “monster”. I grew up imagining that everyone looked down on me.

Yet Mom would say to me, “Hold your head up high and face the world.” I began to rely on that saying.

As a child, I thought Mom meant, “Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking.” As a teenager, I usually looked down to hide my shame (羞愧). But I found that when I held my head up high, people liked me.

In high school I even became the class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak (怪物). All I really wanted was to look like everyone else. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, “Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the beauty that is inside.”

When I met the man who became my husband, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.

My mom’s love was the spark (火花) that gave me confidence. I had faced hardships, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep compassion (怜悯) for others.

“Hold your head up high” has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its invitation. I say it to my children. The gift my mom gave me lives on in another generation.

56. Why did the author’s mother tell her to hold her head up high and face the world?

A. Because her mother wanted to show sympathy for her.

B. Because her mother wanted her to be confident.

C. Because her mother didn’t want her to be seen as a “monster”.

D. Because her mother thought the author looked prettier when she did that.

57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

A. The author managed to get over her disability in high school.

B. The author gave her children encouragement and love, as her mother had given her.

C. The author was always confident after the accident.

D. In high school the author was chosen to be president of the student’s union.

58. The underlined sentence “Each of my children has felt its invitation.” means her children ________.

A. each received an invitation from her mother

B. didn’t quite understand the meaning of her words.

C. faced the same difficulty as their mother.

D. benefited from their mother’s words.

59. Which would be the best title for the article?

A. My mom’s gift to me    B. How I found my life-partner

C. My terrible childhood accident  D. Disability is no shame


Do American children still learn handwriting in school? In the age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out. 90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting. But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it. One study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting. Some teachers are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for 10-15 minutes a day, and then other teachers who basically teach it for 60 to 70 minutes a day — which really for handwriting is pretty much.

Many adults remember learning that way — by copying letters over and over again. Today’s thinking is that short periods of practice are better. Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself. Instead, they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas. After all, that is why we write.

Handwriting involves two skills. One is legibility, which means forming the letters so they can be read. The other is fluency — writing without having to think about it. Fluency continues to develop up until high school.

But not everyone masters these skills. Teachers commonly report that about one fourth of their kids have poor handwriting. Some people might think handwriting is not important any more because of computers and voice recognition programs.

But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt says word processing is rarely done in elementary school, especially in the early years. American children traditionally first learn to print, and then to write in cursive(草体字), which connects the letters. But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for the College Board, which administers the SAT college admission test. More than 75 percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.


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