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61. According to the text, Lubeck___________.

A. stayed calm in the fire                   B. couldn’t find a safe way out

C. lived on the first floor                  D. called for help in the fire

62. How did Wentworth help Lubeck escape?

A. He called 911.                    B. He went upstairs and took Lubeck out.

C. He put out the fire.              D. He used a ladder and pulled Lubeck down.

63. Which of the following factors was not mentioned in the text that almost cost Lubeck’s life?

A. He was living in his wood home alone that night.

B. The storm was too heavy and the fire was too fierce.

C. He lived far from the main road and was surrounded by pines.

D. He was too frightened to escape from the danger.

64. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A near neighbour is better than a distant cousin.

B. A good way to get a narrow escape.

C. God helps those who help themselves.

D. Blood is thicker than water.


Cameron thought of himself as merely organized. He certainly did not consider that he took great pains over anything, he did just enough to get it right. Exactly right, of course, for as he was fond of telling his staff, "if it's not exactly right, it's wrong". Occasionally a worker might be sad on hearing these words, because it meant another hour or so of going over the same bit of work, correcting the mistakes which Cameron had patiently pointed out. And doing the corrections exactly right of course.

Strangely enough, his department had the reputation for performing the highest quality work in the company, and it was seen, and not only by those who worked in the department, as a sort of elite (出类拔萃) unit. Those programmes that had to work first time, straight out of the box, Cameron's men got those. "It's mission (任务) critical—give it to Cameron" was almost a catch-phrase with his team.

It helped that Cameron was not merely particular about things. He wanted things done just so, not because of a personal taste, but because he had discovered through patient experimentation that this was the best way for it to be done.

In Cameron's dictionary, "Take as long as you want" meant that you could work on your task not just in office hours, but that evening, and late into the early hours of the following morning if you so desired. But the project had to be in by its completion date, and yes, done exactly right. Or you did it again.

But he would always be regarded, and not least by himself, as someone who had failed to meet requirements, one of those who just couldn't cut it. You had to face it, if you were not working for Cameron, you were second best. So when word got out that Cameron had messed up, big time, the news was greeted with a mixture of sympathy, and entire relief that this perfection too was human.

65. Cameron was a___________.

A. software programmer                   B. a chief scientist

C. quality controller                        D. head of department

66. "Mission-critical" work was given to Cameron because___________.

A. Cameron's work was error-free             B. Cameron was critical

C. he didn't mind working late               D. he had a good team

67. Working for Cameron, people felt that___________.

A. they were part of an elite

B. their mission was critical

C. Cameron was very particular about things

D. Cameron was patient and responsible

68. According to the underlined part in Paragraph 5, what is meant by someone “who couldn't cut it” ?

A. He didn’t cut corners.                   B. He wasn't good enough.

C. He had the wrong measurements.        D. He was a perfection.

69. What can we learn about Cameron?

A. He never got things wrong.

B. He didn’t allow for any mistake.

C. He encouraged work to be done in office hours.

D. He was often misunderstood.

70. The attitude of the author towards Cameron is that of being___________.

A. positive          B. sympathetic

C. non-subjective        D. optimistic


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