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In your English class,the teacher shows the picture story and asks the class to discuss it.You classmates may have different comments.

Look at the picture story carefully and tell the class your comment on the picture story.Write what you would say on the next page.


第一部分:1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C

第二部分:21.D 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.A 30.D 31.A 32.D 33.C 34.B 35.C 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.A 41.C 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.B 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.D 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.B

第三部分:56.C 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.C 61.C 62.D 63.D 64.A 65.B 66.B 67.D 68.D 69.C 70.A 71.B 72.A 73.A 74.B 75.D


第一节 情景作文

One Possible Version:

Dear friends,

First of all,let me,on behalf of out school,warmly welcome you to our school.Here,I’m going to give you a brief introduction of our school.

Our school was founded in 1953.Now there are 1,300 students in 28 classes.There are 190 teachers and staff.The school has nine science laboratories,one language laboratory,one computer laboratory and a big library.We study many subjects.Chinese,math,English,physics,chemistry,politics,biology and P. E. are required courses.

Now let me show you around the school.

第二节 开放作文

One Possible Version:

We can see in the picture story that instead of helping the man who loses his way,the little boy and his father take advantage of the lost man to make money.

I think what the father does is wrong.He should set a good example to his son.It is our duty to help people in trouble.If people can help each other,our world will be a very nice place.


Text 1

W:I just bought the skirt at a sale.I paid only $ 66 for it.How do you like it?

M:It’s very nice,but my sister bought the same thing for half the price.

Text 2

W:I can come to see you again in half an hour.Is it all right?

M:Good.That means you’ll be here at three thirty.

Text 3

M:There will be a new Japanese film at the cinema tonight.Would you like to see it,Fred?

W:I’d love to,but I’m afraid I can’t understand the language.

Text 4

M:My pen has just run out of ink.Could you lend me one?

W:I’m afraid I don’t have an extra one.Would a ball-pen do?

Text 5

M:Where have you been all this time? The train is about to leave.

W:I’m sorry,John.I’m late,but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstairs.

Text 6

W:Where are you going,Mr.Tailor?

M:I’m going to the hospital to see Lily.

W:Is she ill? What’s wrong with her?

M:She has got a bad cold.

W:I’m sorry to hear that.How are you going?

M:I’m going by bus.

Text 7

M:What’s on today?

W:The color film “The Sound of Music”.

M:It is said that the tickets are very difficult to get.

W:It must be a very good film.

M:Yes,it’s just wonderful,especially its music.Are you going to see it?

W:Yes,and I happen to have an extra for tomorrow night.Would you like to come too?

M:Oh,yes,I would.When and where shall I meet you?

W:What about at the entrance of the Xinhua Cinema at six in the evening?

M:Fine.See you then.

Text 8

W:Hello,Bob.How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer,didn’t you?

M:Yes,Jenny.I’ve finished my summer school class.

W:Well,how was the course? Chinese is very difficult,isn’t it?

M:It seemed that way at first.But after a while,it became easier.

W:I guess you did very well,didn’t you?

M:Well,I didn’t get an “A”.But I don’t think I’ll have trouble in understanding everyday Chinese.

W:You mean you are going to China?

M:Right.But not this summer.How about you? You’ll go to travel,won’t you?

W:I’d love to,but I have to work to save money first.I’m going to Egypt next summer.

M:I guess we’ll have lots to talk about next summer,won’t we?

W:I agree.

Text 9

M:Can I help you?

W:I’m looking for a sweater for my husband.

M:Yes,madam.What color would you like?

W:Show me a gray one,please.

M:What size?

W:A size 38.

M:Something like this perhaps? It’s a very good sweater.

W:Perhaps ,but haven’t you anything better?

M:What about a black sweater?

W:No.It’s too dark.

M:Now this green sweater is brighter than the black one.

W:No.Please hurry up.

M:Something like this blue sweater?

W:Blue,… hmmm …yes.I think I like that.How much does it cost?

M:8 pounds.

W:8 pounds! Good heavens! Have you anything… anything… uh…

M:Cheaper than this,madam? Only this gray sweater.It costs 4 pounds.

W:That’s exactly what I’m looking for.Why didn’t you show it to me before?

M:But I did,madam! It was the first one you saw?

Text 10

The center of New York City is the island of Manhattan.This is a long,narrow island at the mouth of the Hudson River.The Hudson River runs into the Atlantic Ocean.Here there is a very large island called Long Island.There is also a smaller island called Staten Island.New York City is in the State of New York.Across the Hudson River to the west is the State of New Jersey.New York City is the largest city in the U.S.A. It is made up of five parts and has a population of just over seven million.Some parts of the city are well-known for the people living there.One part of Manhattan is known as Little Italy.Next to Little Italy is Chinatown.Here many of New York’s Chinese-Americans live.In the North of Manhattan is Harlem.This is the part where a great many black Americans live.New York City is famous for its many very tall buildings with more than 50 stories.The tallest building in the city is 411.75 meters tall and has 110 stories.It is the second tallest building in the world.

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