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第Ⅱ卷 (共45分)


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

85. 确保食品安全是每个人的责任。(ensure)

86. 我们需要理解世界上在发生什么。(what)

87. 提拔为销售经理以后,他决定去海外旅行。(promote)

88. 那些定期参加锻炼的人更可能保持健康。(likely)

89. 直到环境破坏了,人们才认识到环保意识多么重要。(Not until…)

II.Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容可包括:

 目前汽车带来的空气污染、交通堵塞等问题

 骑自行车的益处,如节能环保,有利健康

参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carton life)  节能(energy  saving)


Good morning, everyone,

I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School.The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”.


01—05.CBABD     06—10.DBDAC  11—13.CBA  14—16.BCA

17.14   18.downtown   19.personal  20.Cash

21.mixed   22.more self-confident 23.a positive influence  24.exams

25—29.ACAAA   30—34.DDAAA   35—40.AABAAB

41—45.GFJBA   46—49.IECH

50—54.ABCBA   55—59.DCCBA  60—64.ACABC

65—68.CDDB 69—71.ADC 72—75.BCAC 76—80.FEDAB

81.By raising questions.

82.you answer “yes” to any of the questions

83.Stress, anxiety and relationship problems

84.How to get rid of text addiction

85. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure food safety.

86. We need to understand what’s going on in the world.

87. After having been promoted to sales manager, he decided to take a trip overseas.

88. Those who take exercise regularly are more likely to keep healthy.

89. Not until the balance of nature has been disturbed do people realize how important the environmental consciousness is.

Good morning, everyone,

I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School.The topic of my speech is "Let's Ride Bicycles".As is known to us, air pollution and heavy urban traffic are becoming increasingly severe mainly due to the overuse of cars.Therefore, it’s high time we chose another better means of transport, that is, cycling.

There are many good reasons to ride bicycles.First of all, compared to cars, bicycles are much cheaper to buy and maintain, and you don't have all the added costs of fuel, and parking.What's more, bicycles are more environmentally friendly than cars, because they hardly make noises and exhaust.Cycling has become a new trend around the world, a good way of energy saving and low-carbon life.Last but not least, cycling is an excellent way to keep fit and live longer.By riding bicycles, you can cut down your risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure and other illnesses.So I think, riding bicycles actually has great effects on us.Let's ride bicycles from today on!

Thank you for listening!



M: I am so sick of calling the ticket office, the line is always busy.

W: Why don’t you order through the Internet?

Question: What does the women suggest the man do?


W: What was the best moment of the race for you?

M: Oh, when I got to the finishing line, definitely.

Question: What kind of person is probably the man?


W: I'd like to mail this package special delivery.Can it arrive within two days?

M: Sure, no problem.

Question: Where does this conversation probably take place?


W: My brother is thinking of eating out with us Saturday night.Any suggestions?

M: It is up to you.I don't know the restaurant around here that well.

Question: What does the man mean?


W: The floor is awfully wet, what happened?

M: The moment I got into the shower, the phone rang.

Question: What does the man imply?


M: I'm going to a party at Carol's house.

W: you can't be serious.We've got two tests at school tomorrow.

Question: How does the woman feel about the man's idea?


W: Where shall we go today then?

M: Shall we try the Royal Garden, recommended in the leaflet?

Question: What will the two speakers do next?


M: I have come to repair your doorbell.

W: You should have come earlier.I'm just going out.

Question: What does the woman imply?


M: It has been pouring for days now.

W: Tomorrow is my day at the beach.I will just have to forget about it if it doesn't clear up

Question: What does the woman imply?


W: When I'm playing the piano, I don't worry about anything.How about you?

M: I go to the gym everyday.It helps me deal with stress.

Question: What are the two speakers talking about?


When I was 12, my parents moved out of London to a small village in Oxford.I was the only Asian girl in my school, and I suddenly felt a bit lonely.Luckily, I had a brilliant art teacher who encouraged me to go to art college.

However, on the day of my college interview in Bath, I woke up late.I left the house wearing two odd shoes and didn't notice that my bottle of chocolate milk had poured all over the painting in my bag.Then when I finally got to the station, I got on the wrong train.Who knows, if I had gone to Bath that day, I might have become a professional artist.But I went to Sweden instead.I told the woman next to me on the train about what had happened, and she suddenly cried with laughter.It turned out she was a producer of a comedy program on the radio.To cut a long story short, I got an invitation a week later to attend an interview for the show, and the rest, as they say, is history.I am very lucky my life has been full of happy accidents.Now I am in charge of a very popular TV comedy program.

11.Why did the speaker feel lonely in her new school?

12.Where did the speaker plan to go for her college interview?

13.What incident had changed her fate?


Today, I will make a speech on zoos.Many people think zoos are cruel, and have no place in the modern world.It is my own opinion that zoos, although not perfect, do have a useful function.

Firstly, zoos are places of education.Zoos can help children to appreciate nature.Further more, research into animal behavior is done in zoos, and has increased on knowledge of zoology, genetics and even psychology.Above all, zoos can protect the future of many species of animal.Many species today are in danger of extinction, and thanks to zoos, they have a chance of survival.

Opponents of zoos say that they are cruel.First of all, they argue, zoos can not recreate the   environment in which animals live and because of this, animals are bored and depressed.Secondly, animals have frequent contact with human visitors.Which can be stressful?

However, in my opinion, most zoos have improved recently.It is now quite rare to see animals in cages, and most zoos try hard to recreate the environment in which different animals live.

In conclusion, although zoos are not perfect environment for animals, I believe that they have more advantages than disadvantages.In an ideal world, zoos would not be necessary.But as long as man hunts animals for profit and destroy their environments, zoos are essential.

14: What is the most important function of zoos according to the speaker?

15: Why are some people against zoos?

16: What does the speaker think of zoos?


W: Good morning, I'd like to rent a family car, please.

M: Yes, man, for how long?

W: Em, 14 days.

M: Where do you want to leave the car?

W: Can I leave it at the downtown office?

M: Sure, may I see your driver's license?

W: I have an international driver's license.

M: Fine, thank you.

W: Now, do you want a personal accident insurance?

M: Yes, please.

W: Right, can you sign your name here?

M: There you go!

W: How do you want to pay?

M: Cash please.


M: In England today, are schools mixed, or single sex?

W: Well, there are both.50 years ago, all schools used to be single sex.I mean, girls only or boys only.Then in the 1970s, many schools changed and became mixed.

M: Do parents still prefer mixed schools?

W: No, things have changed.Today, many parents, especially parents of girls, think their children get a better education in single sex schools.

M: Why do girls do better at single sex schools?

W: Because girls learn to be more self-confident and less worried about their appearance.

M: What about boys?

W: Well, today many parents of boys want to send them to mixed schools.They think that the girls will be a positive influence on boys.

M: So generally speaking, who does better at mixed schools?

W: Oh, the girls.They get better exam results than boys.

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