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22. According to the last two paragraphs, what was the  author's mom unable to do?

'    A. Think clearly.                         B. Express herself well.           '

C. Speak.                               D. Open her mouth.

23. What is this passage mainly about?

A. A strong mother.

B. The importance of teaching language.

C. A family disaster.

D. The significance of  language.


Environment Awareness Week

Regal Convention Centre, Halls 1— 4 .

24 - 30 March 2015 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Free admission for all!

Save the environment, Save our future

Our environment needs help.  With the participation of more

than 50 organizations. Environment Awareness Week is the

biggest public education event dedicated to environmental

protection and conservation. Don't miss it! Come and know

more about:

The Threats to Earth ( Hall 1) -What is global warning?

How serious is pollution? Learn about different

environmental problems from our university students. Protect

our environment !

The Search for Renewable Energy ( Hall 2)一Can we get

electricity from wind, solar energy, waves ,rivers and

underground heat? Get the answers from Solar Ace, Teflon.

Touch Wind Resources and other participants.

The Quest for Freshwater ( Hall 3)-Is the shortage of

freshwater worsening? What are Singapore's solutions for

treating waste water? Hear from Flow Technologies,

HydroMax  Solutions and other participants.

The 3 Rs to Save Earth  ( Hall 4)-How can we

REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE to cut down household

wastes ? I Find out from  the  Global  Gaia  Network,  Green  Earth  Foundation  and other participants.

24. Who is the organizer of the event?

A. Global Gaia Network.             B. Clean  Energy Agency.

C. Green Earth Foundation.          D. International Environment Fund.

25. If you are interested in renewable energy resources ,which hall should you go to?

A. Hall 1         B. Hall2.    .    C. Hall3.         D. Ha114.

26.What does "3 Rs" stand for?

A. Read , Realize and Remember.       B. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.   .

C. Green Earth Foundation.               D. Global Gaia Network.    '

27. What can we know about the event?

A.  It will last a week and the halls- will be open 10 hours a day.

B. You can send an email to Mrs. Daisy Soh for more information.

.   C.  Each hall charges the same expense as the others.      .

D.  Lectures in Hall 3 will be given by university students.

,          C

Our pets have moved several times and usually the moves are across the country or even to

a new country. This means we normally fly them and have. over the years, come up with some

tips on how to ensure they arrive safely.'

If you haven't decided yet on how best to move your pets, I usually think about which

situation will be less stressful.  Keep in mind that when you fly pets and are not flying with

them, that is, they won't be on the same flight as you, your pets must be checked in at cargo

(托运货物处) at least three hours before departure time.  Add this time to die flight time, plus

another hour at the destination to have them released from cargo. Sometimes it is less time for

your pets to drive them rather than fly.  Also,  check with your vet(兽医)  to see if flying is safe

for your pet.  In our situation, one of our cats has a heart condition and our vet does not

recommend flying due to the stress involved and the change in air pressure ( altitude).

If you are planning on moving your cats by flying them to your home,  be aware that most

airlines will insist you use an IATA ( International Air Transport Association) approved carrier

to transport your pet. The requirements of an IATA approved carrier are based on species

needs and animal size. The IATA Live Animals Regulations describe minimum standards for

carrier construction for all types of animals, ranging from insects to elephants.

Also, space for your animal should be booked a minimum of 48 hours in  advance.  Most

airlines have restrictions on the number of animals they carry per flight.

Only small dogs and cats can travel in the cabin with you or if the airline will not allow this

due to space limitations, your pets will be sent as special baggage in a heated and ventilated

(通风的)  hold.  The hold provides a quiet and  darkened area, which can be less stressful than

a noisy cabin.

28.What can we know about your pets according to the second paragraph?

A. I must be  inspected before boarding,

B. they fly with you on the same flight.

C. They can reduce your stress with you.

D. They should be hidden through the customs.                       .

29.Why should you consult your vet?

A. To ask them to provide a document for flying

B. Because the pets may be at risk while flying.

C. To ask them to look after your pet.

D.  Because your cat is unfit for flying.  '


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