56.Why did the girl have a purse with 57 cents?
A.To save money for her future career.
B.To build a large building for more children to live in.
C.To help build a church big enough for every child to go to.
D.To remind people to make remarkable history.
57.How did a Realtor help the church?
A.He made the story known to the public by publishing it.
B.He sold a land to the church for free.
C.He offered the church a piece of land for 57 cents.
D.He raised money for the church.
58.What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Church members donated because of their desire for a big church.
B.The girl’s unselfish love was rewarded at last.
C.The pastor found 57 cents saved by the little girl.
D.Temple Baptist Church, Temple University, Good Samaritan Hospital and a Sunday School building all belong to the small church the little girl went to.
59.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.57 Cents B.A little girl’s wish C.Pastor and Girl D.A bigger Church
At the end of my senior year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop.I thought the job would be easy and stress-free.I pictured myself pouring the best coffees, making delicious doughnuts (炸面包圈), and becoming friends with regular customers.
I wasn’t expecting the people with enormous orders, the women who complained that the coffee was much too creamy (含乳脂的), or the men who wanted their iced coffees remade again and again until they reached perfection.I couldn’t seem to please anyone.
One rainy day, one of my regular customers came in looking upset.He said he felt like getting in bed, pulling the sheets up over his head, and staying there for a few years.I knew exactly how he felt.
Before he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee.He was surprised, since he hadn’t ordered anything but coffee.I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.
“It’s on me,” I told him.“Have a nice day.”
He smiled and thanked me before heading back out into the rain.
The next day, it was still raining.I spent my afternoon hanging out the window handing people their orders.I was completely wet and freezing cold.Worse, no one was tipping that day.Every time I looked into our empty tip jar, I grew more depressed.
In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the window.He handed me a pink rose and a note.He said that not many people took time to care about others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a friendly wave, he drove away.
I ran to the back of the shop and read the note.It read:
Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday.It is so nice to meet someone who’s indeed nice.Please don’t change your ways! Have a great day! –Hank
After that, whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile, hold my head up high, clear my throat and ask politely, “How can I help you?”
60.Why wasn’t the writer happy with her job at first?
A.The customers didn’t tip her enough. B.It was difficult to make iced coffee perfect.
C.Everybody had an enormous order. D.The job didn’t turn out as she had expected.
61.The man came to the coffee shop to ______.
A.buy his favorite doughnut B.complain to the author
C.buy a cup of iced coffee D.get out of the rain
62.The man felt thankful for the writer because ______.
A.she was indeed kind to him in a time of need B.she knew exactly how the man felt
C.she offered him coffee and food for free D.she comforted him by sharing his pain
63.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Don’t count your eggs until they are hatched.
B.If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.
C.The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.
D.A man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy.
Most of us think that when we step under a shower we’re getting clean.We are, but we’re also giving a home to lots of tiny little creatures we didn’t even know about.
A showerhead carries thousands of bacteria (细菌) called Mycobacterium.These can cause problems like coughs and tiredness, and a general feeling of poorliness (身体不舒服).When you turn on the water, the bacteria go from the showerhead onto and into your body.
This is a finding of Norman R.Pace and his team at the University of Colorado, in the US.The scientists investigated bacteria in all kinds of human environment, including showers.
Pace's team looked at 45 showerheads in nine American cities.They discovered that 30 percent of them had large amounts of flying Mycobacterium.
But Pace said that they pose few threats to the health.Only those with a frail (脆弱的) immune (免疫的) system might need to worry.
He told the New York Times that the bactertia are not as unpleasant as might be thought.He said that having a shower is no more dangerous than anything else we do in the morning.
But for those who feel sick about the idea of all those microorganisms (微生物), he had some advice.
Let the water run for 30 seconds before getting into the shower.Why? The number of bacteria is smaller than when the water is just turned on.If that seems like a waste of water, he added that you could also change your showerhead every few months.
But Pace had good news too.He has also been testing the air in US subways.Apart from iron particles (粒子), which are ground off the track by the wheels of trains, subway air is fresh.The reason is that a train’s movement pumps fresh outdoor air into the tunnels(隧道).
Pace explained that he wanted to understand the natural microbial(微生物的) environments of public places.This kind of knowledge might help detect the microbes to be used in a bioterrorist (生物恐怖分子) attack.
64.According to the finding of Norman R.Pace, after taking a shower, we might ______.
A.get much dirtier B.be covered by bacteria
C.get a frail immune system D.catch a cough or feel tired
65.Pace’s research into showers shows that ______.
A.there is no reason to fear microorganism
B.shower water contains much less bacteria after being left to run for 30 second
C.having a shower in the morning is more dangerous than at other time
D.of 45 showerheads surveyed in nine cities, 30 carried large amounts of Mycobacterium
66.According to the research of Pace’s team, which of the following contributes to fresh air in US subways?
A.Train wheels. B.Iron particles. C.The movement of the trains. D.Air conditioners on the trains.
67.The word “detect” in the last paragraph probably means “______”.
A.to discover B.to protect C.to make D.to prevent
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