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学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高考英语第二轮完型填空,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!



With excitement and enthusiasm we started our small business. No longer were we  1   to have a weekly paycheck (工资). We now were on our own to  2   an income to provide us with the money to live. I was a little  3  about our ability to do this. But, Byron believed in our products, and believed in our ability to  4  .

We invested heavily in producing a number of products,  5    none of them are popular with customers. The market gave us so heavy a  6   that we hardly made enough money to pay our expenses.

We now had our money  7   in the booth (货摊) that we had rented for the summer and fall months. We had a lot of money  8   up in materials. So we did not have enough money to  9  our monthly bills. We were discouraged, and the thoughts of failure ran through our heads.

As we discussed our  10  , I happened to read the words by Mary Pickford: "If you have made mistakes... there is always another chance for you... you may have a  11   start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘Failure’ is not falling down, but  12  down."

The words strengthen my determination and Byron's   13   that we could succeed. We did fall down, but we were   14   not to stay down! So, we stepped back and refocused. We came up with new products using remaining  15  . We redesigned our booth. We reconsidered our pricing system. And, we started making enough money to pay our  16  .

If we had done nothing, if we allowed ourselves to "stay down", then we would have  17  . But we made the choice to learn from our  18  , and we moved forward with more determination. These words   19   a much better idea on failure ---- a chance for a fresh start! The most important point here is "choice" because you decide how you  20  your failure, you decide if you stay down.

1. A. happy  B. willing C. ready D. safe

2. A. produce B. receive C. win D. save

3. A. patient B. worried C. proud D. fond

4. A. work B. survive C. succeed D. compete

5. A. unless B. so C. but D. though

6. A. blow B. gift C. pleasure D. surprise

7. A. lent B. spent C. wasted D. lost

8. A. put B. used C. taken D. tied

9. A. cover B. print C. write D. send

10. A. holidays B. trips C. expectations D. choices

11. A. good B. fresh C. natural D. sudden

12. A. staying B. falling C. lying D. turning

13. A. belief B. imagination  C. suggestion  D. requirement

14. A. reminded B. supposed  C. prepared   D. determined

15. A. tools B. machines C. materials D. goods

16. A. debts B. bills C. products D. prices

17. A. died B. hurt C. slept D. failed

18. A. performances B. dreams C. mistakes D. promises

19. A. explain B. create C. offer D. prove

20. A. view B. prevent C. forget D. explore


威廉希尔app 为大家带来高考英语第二轮完型填空,希望大家喜欢!




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