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一、 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

(   ) 1. it’s easier to make   decision than to take     action.

A. a; an  B./; an  C./;/ D. a;/

(    ) 2. The photo reminds him _______ his old grandma

A. in       B. at      C. of         D. with

(    ) 3  The boring film made me_________.

A. feel bored  B. feeling bored C. feel boringD. feeling boring

(    ) 4. Neither his friends nor he          swimming, but I do.

A. like         B. is like      C. likes         D. liking

(    ) 5. This pair of jeans looks nice             Sandy because she looks very nice          blue.

A. on;in     B. in ; on        C. for;on       D. to;in

(    ) 6. --Jack, is there               in today's newspaper?

A. anything important        B. something important

C. important anything        D. important something

(     ) 7  Wearing red makes__easy__us to take action.

A.it; for       B.this; of        C.that; for     D.it; of

(     ) 8.could you tell me how many colours__in a rainbow?

A.there are     B.are there     C.they are     D.are they(   )9. Simon is_________to make us all_________.

A. enough funny; laugh       B. funny enough; laugh

C. enough funny; to laugh    D. funny enough; to laugh

(    ) 10.They would rather___colours like orange or yellow than blue or white.

A.use       B.to use       C.using       D.uses

(   )11 David, get up early, _______ you'll catch the early bus.

A. but        B. and         C. after     D. or

(   )12. I don’t know    or not the colour matches his new shirt.

A. if    B. that   C. why D. whether

(    ) 13.The scientist is very modest. He never______.

A. show off   B. shows on   C. shows off     D. show on

(    )14. ________ my father ___ my mother believes what star signs say, but I do.

A. neither, nor B. either, or  C. both, and  D. not only, but also(   )15 Edison was imaginative enough _________ new ideas .

A. to come up with        B. come up with

C coming up with         Dcomes  up with

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