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高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了正定中学秋高三英语上学期第一次月考试卷,希望大家喜欢。

第一节  (共l5小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)



Woman Uses Daughter's Key to "Steal" Car

Charlie Vansant, a college student of Athens, Ohio who reported that his car was stolen, got a surprise when he learned a woman had mistaken it for her daughter's car and taken it-using her key.

Kate Anderson became an accidental car thief when picking up her daughter's car near an Ohio University building last week. Anderson spotted the Toyota Camry(丰田凯美瑞)and used her daughter's key to unlock the car, start the engine and drive home-without realizing that the car wasn't her daughter's.

When Charlie Vansant left class a short time later, he found only an empty parking spot. He first assumed the car had been towed, but when the police couldn't find a record of it, they took a theft report.

The morning after Anderson took the car, her daughter discovered the Camry in the driveway wasn't hers. Anderson said she was able to find Vansant's name on paperwork in the glove compartment and look up his phone number on the website for the university.

When Anderson told Charlie the car was in her driveway, "It sounded real suspicious at first, as she wanted to hold the thing for ransom(赎金),” said Vansant. He eventually went to the house with a police officer, where he was reunited with his car. According to the police report, the case was closed "because of mistaken car identity", Anderson wasn't charged.

Vansant seemed to blame the car company more than the "thief". "Her key fit not only my lock, but my ignition(点火装置) as well - so high-five for Toyota. I guess." he said.

21. What does the underlined word "towed" mean in paragraph 3?

A. removed.      B. damaged.        C. stolen.      D. sold.

22. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Anderson's daughter discovered the car her mother drove was not hers.

B. Mrs. Anderson stole Charlie's car at the request of her daughter.

C. Charlie had thought he had to give Anderson money to get his car back.

D. Mrs. Anderson used her daughter's key to unlock Charlie's car and drive home.

23. What does Charlie mean by "high-five for Toyota"?

A.  He is blaming Toyota for the poor quality of car keys.

B.  He should thank Toyota for returning his car.

C.  He wants to celebrate with Toyota for getting his car back.

D.  He thinks highly of Toyota for producing large quantities of cars.

24. What is likely to happen next according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Anderson was charged with stealing a car.

B. Charlie blamed Mrs. Anderson for mistakenly taking his car.

C. Charlie would ask the Toyota Company to give him an explanation.

D. The Toyota Company would give Charlie a new car as compensation.

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了正定中学秋高三英语上学期第一次月考试卷,供大家参考。


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