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高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了南城一中高三英语上学期八月月考题,希望大家喜欢。

第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. —Can I really get a mountain bicycle as a reward if I win the race?

—Absolutely! ______.

A. It all depends       B. I mean it         C. You’ve got me there     D. So will you

22. As ______ matter of fact,______ beauty of ______ nature there made an excellent impression on me.

A. a, the, the       B. the, the, /     C. a, the, /                D. a, /, the

23. ______deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.

A. Burying         B. Buried           C. To bury          D. Having buried

24. Finally, the judge decided to ______ the driver ______ a life sentence.

A. sentence, with    B. declare, to        C. annouce, for      D. sentence, to

25. Perhaps each of us has moments in our lives ___________ we desperately search for

something everywhere but it is just under our noses.

A. where    B. that      C. when       D. what

26.This information allows businessmen to keep________ of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving.

A.sight          B.track           C.touch            D.sign

27. It was not ________ his pay was not good but just _________ what he said that he was fired.

A. because; because of         B. because; because

C. because of; because         D. because of; because of

28.A round moon in the sky _____ an attack of homesickness to Li Bai and then came the

poem, A Tranquil Night.

A. set down     B. set out    C. set up    D. set off

29. -- I’m exhausted. I _____ on a project day and night.

-- You’d better have several days off after finishing it. Otherwise you might break down.

A. have been working       B. have worked     C. work      D. worked

30. This is a simple idea, ________ is hard to put into practice.

A. one          B. that         C. it               D. one that

31. I don’t want to ______exactly how the system works.

A. give in       B. give up       C. give away       D. give off

32. The whole street hasn’t been cleaned for a whole week, so the number of rats________  increasing and quantities of rubbish ________ been piled up.

A. is; have      B. is; has        C. are; have      D. are; has

33. After _______ seemed about five hours,we finally arrived at the beaches,just _______  rubbish and thrown- away plastic bags here and there.

A. when;finding       B. what;to find

C. which;to find       D. that;found

34. Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you ; if you frown at it, you will get an unhappy look______.

A. in common       B. in public       C. in store       D. in return

35. ________ a mobile phone can you ring ______ you want to talk with anyway.

A. Using; whoever         B. Only on; whomever

C. By; whatever           D. With; anyone

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了南城一中高三英语上学期八月月考题,供大家参考。


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