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Conversation 1

M: Now Mrs Jones, have you been following the diet sheet I gave you?

W: Well, most of the time I have. But I do get really hungry late in the evening sometimes, and I just have to have an extra snack before bedtime.

M: Late night snacks, huh? And have you been exercising properly?

W: Well, I wanted to, but the weather's been so bad...

M: Mrs Jones, you're at least 40 kilos overweight. You must follow the diet sheet exactly every day. And you must try to exercise a little bit every day.

Conversation 2

W: Good morning.

M: Good morning. I'd like to join the school volunteer project.

W: What do you like doing?

M: I love writing stories. I can tell them stories. I'm sure children will love my stories and me.

W: I agree with you. Can you tell me your name, your class and telephone number?

M: Oh, sorry. I nearly forgot. I'm Jim Green and in Class 306. My telephone number is 8832765.

W: OK, I'll call you when it is ready.

M: Thanks a lot.

Conversation 3

W: Hey. Today's April 22nd.

M: Oh...Uh...yeah. Happy birthday!

W: No. It's not my birthday. It's Earth Day. It's a special day for everyone to think about what they can do to help protect the earth's environment.

M: Huh. So, what are you going to do to help the environment? Plant a tree?

W: I decided I'm going to start taking shorter showers to save water. And this morning I bought a bus pass, so I can start taking the bus to work instead of driving my car.

M: Great. I think I'll join you. So, where can I get a bus pass?

W: Just go over to the transportation office.

Conversation 4

W: I enjoy going through second­hand bookstores. Did you see this old book of children's stories?

M: Some of these books aren't so old. This novel was published only 6 years ago. It costs 75 cents.

W: Hey, look at this. Look at the signature. It's dated 1893. Maybe it's worth something.

M: Everything on that shelf is worth 50 cents.

W: But if this is the signature of someone who was well­known, it might bring a lot more. The name looks like Harold Dodson,maybe. I'm going to buy this book and see if I can find a name like that in the library.

M: Good luck. Your book of plays may make you rich. But I'll bet my 75­cent novel is a better buy.

Conversation 5

W: Hi. Haven't seen you for ages. Have you just returned from Australia?

M: Yes, from Brisbane.

W: How long were you there?

M: Nearly two months.

W: You like Brisbane?

M: Oh, yes. The city is beautiful, green and clean, like a big garden. People there are friendly.

W: Mm! What's the weather like there?

M: Well, it's pretty hot during December and January and cold during June and July. But basically, the weather is nice. It's really a good place!

W: So the seasons are all upside down for you over there! People can eat Christmas dinner in hot sunshine.

M: That's right! The best time to visit is during September and December. You'll find a lot of Australians go to the beach on Christmas Day for a barbecue!

Conversation 6

W: Well George, what do you plan to do this summer?

M: I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the university's community service programme.

W: Sounds interesting. Don't you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that?

M: No. You just have to present the language and give the students a chance to practice speaking. My students won't need to read and write English, at least not now. They are more interested in the spoken language.

W: You sound pretty knowledgeable about that. How come you know so much?

M: I took a course in Teaching English as a Second Language last year, when I was in China. I think I would like to be an ESL teacher after I graduate.

Section B

Victor Hugo's masterpiece Les Miserables is a novel that comments on society and human_nature. It focuses on the tale of the main character, Valjean, whose life is changed by an act of kindness.

Set in the_early_19th century in France, the story begins when Valjean is set free after 19 years in prison. Unable to find a job, he is forced to steal from a church for survival. However, his life changes when a priest forgives him and advises him to be an honest man. Therefore, forgiveness is a central theme of the novel.

Another important theme in Les Miserables is truth against survival. When Valjean later steals some money from a child, he remembers the priest's forgiveness and regrets his crime, but it is too late. He has to hide from the police and even changes his name. Six years pass, Valjean is now living a successful new life, helping others whenever he can.

But there are more struggles waiting for Valjean before he is finally recognized as a good man. As a very long novel with complex plots, Les Miserables is truly attractive for readers and no wonder it is a masterpiece.

威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了湖南师大附中秋高三英语第一次月考试卷,希望对大家有所帮助。


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